Optimize an IF statement

I would like to make the following statement clearner. I’m thinking something like the SQL “variable IN (value1, value2, value2, etc.)” operator.

Any ideas?

if((e.which > 47 && e.which < 58) || (e.which > 95 && e.which < 106) || e.which==8 || e.which == 46 || e.which == 37 || e.which == 39 || e.which == 13) return e.which;

I’m sure there’s a clean mathematical way to do it, but


I did find one alternative - not necessarily better, but different:

if([8,13,37,39,46,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105].indexOf(e.which) > -1) return e.which;

Another way is with an object:

var good = {
	8: 1,
	13: 1,
	37: 1,
	39: 1,
	46: 1,
	48: 1,
	49: 1,
	50: 1,
	51: 1,
	52: 1,
	53: 1,
	54: 1,
	55: 1,
	56: 1,
	57: 1,
	96: 1,
	97: 1,
	98: 1,
	99: 1,
	100: 1,
	101: 1,
	102: 1,
	103: 1,
	104: 1,
	105: 1
return good[e.which];

It’s still really verbose, but depending on how you decided on the acceptable values, that could be worked around.

Not sure how “optimal” it would be (a little, I think), but converting this to a switch may be a bit more readable.