Oracle: Proper syntax for casting a list of integers into a table

I have been going through some Oracle 11g code in a C application and came across this:


Could someone please explain to me how I could run this in SQL Developer directly?

These are the things I have tried without any luck:

SELECT * FROM  TABLE(CAST ('1234,456,78909,90876' AS DBNAME.NUM_LIST)); 
SELECT * FROM  TABLE(CAST (1234,456,78909,90876 AS DBNAME.NUM_LIST)); 
SELECT * FROM  TABLE(CAST ('1234','456','78909','90876' DBNAME.NUM_LIST));

Here is the definition for the DBNAME.NUM_LIST table type:

create or replace
TYPE "NUM_LIST"                                                                                   is table of number 

Of course this is part of a much larger query and application but I am just trying to break down my current problem into the simplest of forms. Which is understanding this so I can run and perform analytics on a query including a subquery that takes this form.
