Order by MonthName

Hi all, I need your appreciated help.

This is my mysql table:

mysql> SELECT
		STR_TO_DATE(myDate, '%d/%m/%Y'),
		'%b, %Y'
	) AS `MonthName`,
	myDate AS `MyDate`
	`MyDate` DESC;
| MonthName | MyDate     |
| Dec, 2012 | 01/12/2012 |
| Dec, 2011 | 01/12/2011 |
| Dec, 2010 | 01/12/2010 |
| Dec, 2009 | 01/12/2009 |
| Dec, 2008 | 01/12/2008 |
| Nov, 2012 | 01/11/2012 |
| Nov, 2011 | 01/11/2011 |
| Nov, 2010 | 01/11/2010 |
| Nov, 2009 | 01/11/2009 |
| Nov, 2008 | 01/11/2008 |
| Oct, 2012 | 01/10/2012 |
| Oct, 2011 | 01/10/2011 |
| Oct, 2010 | 01/10/2010 |
| Oct, 2009 | 01/10/2009 |
| Oct, 2008 | 01/10/2008 |
| Sep, 2012 | 01/09/2012 |
| Sep, 2011 | 01/09/2011 |
| Sep, 2010 | 01/09/2010 |
| Sep, 2009 | 01/09/2009 |
| Sep, 2008 | 01/09/2008 |
| Aug, 2012 | 01/08/2012 |
| Aug, 2011 | 01/08/2011 |
| Aug, 2010 | 01/08/2010 |
| Aug, 2009 | 01/08/2009 |
| Aug, 2008 | 01/08/2008 |
| Jul, 2012 | 01/07/2012 |
| Jul, 2011 | 01/07/2011 |
| Jul, 2010 | 01/07/2010 |
| Jul, 2009 | 01/07/2009 |
| Jul, 2008 | 01/07/2008 |
| Jun, 2012 | 01/06/2012 |
| Jun, 2011 | 01/06/2011 |
| Jun, 2010 | 01/06/2010 |
| Jun, 2009 | 01/06/2009 |
| Jun, 2008 | 01/06/2008 |
| May, 2012 | 01/05/2012 |
| May, 2011 | 01/05/2011 |
| May, 2010 | 01/05/2010 |
| May, 2009 | 01/05/2009 |
| May, 2008 | 01/05/2008 |
| Apr, 2012 | 01/04/2012 |
| Apr, 2011 | 01/04/2011 |
| Apr, 2010 | 01/04/2010 |
| Apr, 2009 | 01/04/2009 |
| Apr, 2008 | 01/04/2008 |
| Mar, 2012 | 01/03/2012 |
| Mar, 2011 | 01/03/2011 |
| Mar, 2010 | 01/03/2010 |
| Mar, 2009 | 01/03/2009 |
| Mar, 2008 | 01/03/2008 |
| Feb, 2012 | 01/02/2012 |
| Feb, 2011 | 01/02/2011 |
| Feb, 2010 | 01/02/2010 |
| Feb, 2009 | 01/02/2009 |
| Feb, 2008 | 01/02/2008 |
| Jan, 2013 | 01/01/2013 |
| Jan, 2012 | 01/01/2012 |
| Jan, 2011 | 01/01/2011 |
| Jan, 2010 | 01/01/2010 |
| Jan, 2009 | 01/01/2009 |
| Jan, 2008 | 01/01/2008 |
61 rows in set

I need this order in output, can you help me?
Thanks in advance.

| MonthName | MyDate     |
| Jan, 2013 | 01/01/2013 |
| Dec, 2012 | 01/12/2012 |
| Nov, 2012 | 01/11/2012 |
| Oct, 2012 | 01/10/2012 |
| Sep, 2012 | 01/09/2012 |
| Aug, 2012 | 01/08/2012 |
| Jul, 2012 | 01/07/2012 |
| Jun, 2012 | 01/06/2012 |
| May, 2012 | 01/05/2012 |
| Apr, 2012 | 01/04/2012 |
| Mar, 2012 | 01/03/2012 |
| Feb, 2012 | 01/02/2012 |
| Jan, 2012 | 01/01/2012 |



    YEAR(`MyDate`) DESC
  , MONTH(`MyDate`) DESC

guido, his Mydate column is a varchar (because he needs to use STR_TO_DATE on it) and therefore you can’t apply date functions to it

So what is needed is to add another field that uses STR_TO_DATE(myDate, ‘%Y-%m-%d’) on the same date and then use that field in the order by instead.

Or change the column type into DATE

thank you all for help.

		STR_TO_DATE(myDate, '%d/%m/%Y')
	) DESC,
		STR_TO_DATE(myDate, '%d/%m/%Y')
	) DESC;

much simpler would be

    BY STR_TO_DATE(myDate, '%d/%m/%Y') DESC