Organising css so its easily readable and using the @import comman to help

Hi Dave,

It was not a good example only knocked up to show how TLAs are effective if used to reduce a linked style-sheet.css.

Post #10

I developed a site and the style-sheet rapidly became like spaghetti so decided to reduce the repetition. My approach was similar to Database Normalization which only uses unique elements.

An online program similar to “” was used to count all duplicates.

Next task was to remove duplicates and replace with a single TLA (Three Letter Acronym).

Each change was validated and eventually the style-sheet shrank to less than 4k and still handled ten different pages styles.

A bonus was the colour scheme was reduced to about five colours easily changed.

Introducing Responsive Design has increased the style-sheet to 6k and just over 100 lines.

Like Ralph I prefer using a single line and endeavour to list the elements alphabetically.