Other Popular Networking sites

Can anyone suggest the popular and good social networking sites to make a network as we do in facebook, twiter. There is a huge list on internet, but has anyone tested and worked on any of other networking site?Please let me know your experience.

Answers would be appreciated.

@william17 This is a very vague question. There are a lot of social networking sites and communities out there. Just do a search for them and you should be able to find them.

Without having the details of what you are trying to accomplish, it is very hard for other members to show you what they have done and achieved on social networks out there.

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There are a lot of social networking sites out there, it’s too many too mention actually. Just do a research for yourself and find out are you trying have or achieved.


I’m pretty sure you will find more if you will look it up more… hope i helped:)

As is evident, william17 is already aware of “lists” and is asking to know of experiences

Simply listing sites here is not what this discussion is about.

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