OWASP ruleset vs XSS/SQL Injection


i have enabled OWASP modesecurty in our WHM Server.
then i tested the functionality with a website hosted in our server using the following sql statemnt.

a' union sElEcT 1,2,table_nAme fRom informAtion_schemA.tAbles WhErE tablE_scHemA=dAtabase()-- -

406 Not acceptable - mean rule in action.


successflly got in - rule set failed.

What could be wrong :mad::mad:

any body pls!

I’m guessing this is with MySQL?

If nobody comes by with OWASP modsecurity knowledge soon we could try moving the thread to the database forum.

yes mitti, will try like that then.

Moved to the database forum, Hopefully someone can help you put together a rule.