P h p b o a r d+s q l+x m l+google map api v3 problem!

I`m a beginner about xml,google map api v3

But I try to make a google map + php board+sql+xml

Everything is good…But…
this line I can`t handel it.

<![CDATA[ <img src="./data/file/xmltest/3031146274_Gs1ATViN_3-2-2.jpg"width='200'><br><a href="">Web Page Link </a><br>ABCDEFG

I want to print this line on php .But it doesn`t working…

I can`t see anything on main.php file

What happen?? It doesn`tworking with google map api v3?

Or any problem with my php file?

Plz help me out.
I have two php file and xml

##################This is Xml #########################################

<marker label="testlabel" lat="37.548933000000" lng="127.139988000000" html="htmltest" address="addresstest" name="subjest" image="../data/file/xmltest/3031146274_Gs1ATViN_3-2-2.jpg" width="200">
<![CDATA[ <img src="./data/file/xmltest/3031146274_Gs1ATViN_3-2-2.jpg"width='200'><br><a href="">Web Page Link </a><br>ABCDEFG

######################### main.php ########################################

<script type="text/javascript" src="downloadxml.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body { height: 100%; }
<script type="text/javascript">
      // this variable will collect the html which will eventually be placed in the side_bar
      var side_bar_html = "";
      var contentString = [];
      // arrays to hold copies of the markers and html used by the side_bar
      // because the function closure trick doesnt work there
      var gmarkers = [];

     // global "map" variable
      var map = null;
// A function to create the marker and set up the event window function

function createMarker(latlng, name, html, image, address, type) {
    var contentString = html + image + address + type;

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        icon: 'monumento.png',
		position: latlng,
        map: map,
        zIndex: Math.round(latlng.lat()*-100000)<<5

    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
    // save the info we need to use later for the side_bar
    // add a line to the side_bar html
    side_bar_html += '<a href="javascript:myclick(' + (gmarkers.length-1) + ')">' + name  + '<\\/a><br>';

// This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window
function myclick(i) {
  google.maps.event.trigger(gmarkers[i], "click");

function initialize() {
  // create the map
  var myOptions = {
    zoom: 8,
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(37.558323,127.14632),
    mapTypeControl: true,
    mapTypeControlOptions: {style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU},
    navigationControl: true,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),

  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {
      // Read the data from example.xml //

      downloadUrl("example.xml", function(doc) {
        var xmlDoc = xmlParse(doc);
        var markers = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");
        for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
          // obtain the attribues of each marker
          var lat = parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat"));
          var lng = parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng"));
          var point = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng);
		  var name = markers[i].getAttribute("name")+ '<br />';
          var html = markers[i].getAttribute("html")+ '<br />';
          var label = markers[i].getAttribute("label");
		  var address = markers[i].getAttribute("address")+ '<br />';
		  var type = markers[i].getAttribute("type")+ '<br />';
		  var image = '<a href=\\""><img src="'+markers[i].getAttribute("image")+'" alt=""  width="150" height="140" border="0"/><\\/a>'+ '<br />';
          // create the marker
          var marker = createMarker(point,label,name,html,image,address,type);
        // put the assembled side_bar_html contents into the side_bar div
        document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = side_bar_html;

var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(
    size: new google.maps.Size(150,50)

    // This Javascript is based on code provided by the
    // Community Church Javascript Team
    // http://www.bisphamchurch.org.uk/
    // http://econym.org.uk/gmap/
    // from the v2 tutorial page at:
    // http://econym.org.uk/gmap/basic3.htm

<body style="margin:0px; padding:0px;" onload="initialize()" >

    <!-- you can use tables or divs for the overall layout -->
    <table border="1">
           <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 1000px; height: 800px"></div>
        <td valign="top" style="width:150px; text-decoration: underline; color: #4444ff;">
           <div id="side_bar"></div>

############################### This file make a xml file automatically #################################


$laguage_ = "utf-8";

//$xml_dir  = $g4[path]."/xml/banner/".$po_poll1; //
//$xml_path = $xml_dir."/".$po_poll1.".xml";

$xml_dir  = $g4[path]."/xml_banner"; //
$xml_path = $xml_dir."/example.xml";

@mkdir($xml_dir, 0707);
@chmod($xml_dir, 0707);

fwrite($xml_file, "");
@chmod($xml_path, 0707);

$xml_file = fopen($xml_path, "w+")or die("xml file open erro.");

//xml &#44081;&#49905;
$rows              = 20;
$sql              = " select * from $write_table where wr_is_comment = 0 order by wr_id desc limit 0, $rows ";
$result           = sql_query($sql);
$total_count      = mysql_num_rows($result);

$data[lauage]       = "<markers>";

$data[xml_start]    = "";

$data[xml_end]      = "</marker>";

$get_xml   = "";

$get_xml  .= $data[lauage];

      while ($list= sql_fetch_array($result)){

       $get_sql = " select bf_file from $g4[board_file_table] where bo_table = '$bo_table' and wr_id = '{$list[wr_id]}' and bf_no = 0 ";
       $img_row = sql_fetch($get_sql);

		 $img_path  = "./data/file/$bo_table";
		 $img_path .= "/".$img_row[bf_file];

         $get_xml  .= $data[xml_start];

	     $view_subject = conv_subject($list[wr_subject], 50, "");
         $view_content = conv_content($list[wr_content], 90, "");
		 $wr_9 = get_text($row[wr_9]);
         $wr_10 = get_text($row[wr_10]);
		 $wr_7 = get_text($row[wr_7]);
		 $wr_8 = get_text($row[wr_8]);
		 $get_xml    .= "<marker label=\\"{$view_subject}\\" lat=\\"{$list[wr_9]}000000\\" lng=\\"{$list[wr_10]}000000 \\" html=\\"{$list[wr_7]}\\" address=\\"{$list[wr_8]}\\" name=\\"{$view_subject}\\" image=\\"{$img_path}\\" width='200'><contents><![CDATA[<img src=\\"{$img_path}\\"width='200'><br><a href=\\"{$list[wr_link1]}\\">Web Page Link </a><br>{$view_content}]]></contents>";
		 $get_xml    .= $data[xml_end];


$get_xml      .= "</markers>";	

/****************************xml data end**************************/

$get_xml = iconv("utf-8", "utf-8",$get_xml);

// write action
if(!fwrite($xml_file, $get_xml)) echo "file wite erro.";

// file close
