
I hope you guys can help…

Why is it that when you apply padding to all four sides like this:

padding: 0px;

The padding top value seems to be greater than the padding left value when it is viewed in the browser?

I hope that makes sense

It isn’t the padding then, unless a style is not overridden by a previous one (specifity) or if it’s a line-height or margin applied to that element.

It’s probably just a mind trick :). I see them all equally though. But if you do notice an actual distance then something else is probably at play.

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CSS for Footbag Freaks

body {
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#tagline {
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	font-style: italic;

This is the markup, see if you can see what I mean.

Which element are we meant to be looking at?

the “content” inside the “wrapper”

Hi, make sure you have margins reset for elements.
I notice many elements in there that have margins set by default.
