Page/post navigation (next/previous) Question

I’d like to use a script that only goes to the next post/previous post in a particular category. This is the common code for filtering through posts:

					<div id="post-next" class="one-half"><?php next_post_link('&larr; %link'); ?></div>
		        	<div id="post-prev" class="one-half remove-margin"><?php previous_post_link('%link &rarr;'); ?></div>

How do I edit this to navigate it through say Category ID 3?!


–Scott G.

Nevermind I was able to figure out how to keep the pagination within a certain category… But the easy thing that I cannot figure out is how do I keep the “post title” as the “next link” ??

					<div id="post-next" class="one-half"><?php next_post_link('&larr; %link', 'Previous Memorial', TRUE, '3'); ?></div>
		        	<div id="post-prev" class="one-half remove-margin"><?php previous_post_link('%link &rarr;', 'Next Memorial', TRUE, '3'); ?></div>

I’d like “Previous Memorial” & “Next Memorial” to be the actual post titles, but can’t figure out how to make this happen?!? I’m sure it’s something relatively simple… But for me it is not.

Any help would be greatly appreciated…!


Try using ‘%title’ as the text instead of ‘Previous Memorial’ and ‘Next Memorial’

CPRADIO you rock! So simple it was stupid! I kept trying ‘%the_title’