Parse error for plugin

I’m trying to install a plugin on wordpress.
I am getting a parse error on line 33.

what’s the issue here?

/** A simple rich textarea block **/
class AQ_Team_Block extends AQ_Block {

//set and create block
function __construct() {
    $block_options = array(
        'name' => 'Team block',
        'size' => 'span3',
        'icon' => 'fa-list-ul',
        'icon_color' => 'FFF',
        'category' => 'Shortcodes',
        'help' => 'Block for team members.'
        parent::__construct('aq_team_block', $block_options);
        add_action('wp_ajax_aq_block_team_add_new', array($this, 'add_team'));

function form($instance) {

// default key/values array
$defaults = array(
    'title'     => '', 
    'title_member'     => 'John Doe', // the name of the member
    'position'    => 'Designer', // job position
    'avatar'    => '', // profile picture
    'bio'        => 'Some short info about a member of our small and creative team.', // a little info about the member
    'url'        => '', // website URL
    'teams' => '')


// set default values (if not yet defined)
$instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $defaults);

// import each array key as variable with defined values
extract($instance); ?>

<p class="description half">
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title') ?>">
        Member Name (required)<br/>
        <?php echo aq_field_input('title_member', $block_id, $title_member) ?>
        <?php echo aq_field_input('title', $block_id, $title_member, $size = 'full','hidden') ?>

<p class="description half">
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('url') ?>">
        Member link <br/>
        <?php echo aq_field_input('url', $block_id, $url) ?>
<p class="description half last">
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('position') ?>">
        <?php echo aq_field_input('position', $block_id, $position) ?>

<div class="description">
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('avatar') ?>">
        Upload an image<br/>
        <?php echo aq_field_upload('avatar', $block_id, $avatar) ?>
    <?php if($avatar) { ?>
    <div class="screenshot">
        <img src="<?php echo $avatar ?>" />
    <?php } ?>

<p class="description">
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('bio') ?>">
        Member info
        <?php $rand = rand(0,999); ?>
        <?php echo aq_field_textarea('bio', $block_id, $bio, $size = 'full pmc-editor-'.$rand) ?>
<div class="description cf">
    <ul id="aq-sortable-list-<?php echo $block_id ?>" class="aq-sortable-list" rel="<?php echo $block_id ?>" alt="teams">
        $teams = is_array($teams) ? $teams : $defaults['teams'];
        $count = 1;
        foreach($teams as $team) {    
            $this->team($team, $count);
    <a href="#" rel="team" class="aq-sortable-add-new button">Add New</a>



function team($team = array(), $count = 0) {
        $defaults = array (
            'title' => 'My New Social Icon',
            'link' => 'My new social link',
            'img' => '',    
            'hover_color' => ''
        $team = wp_parse_args($team, $defaults);    
    <li id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-sortable-item-<?php echo $count ?>" class="sortable-item" rel="<?php echo $count ?>">
        <div class="sortable-head cf">
            <div class="sortable-title">
                <strong><?php echo $team['title'] ?></strong>
            <div class="sortable-handle">
                <a href="#">Open / Close</a>
        <div class="sortable-body">
            <p class="teams-desc description">
                <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-title">
                    Team social Title (alt text)<br/>
                    <input type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-title" class="input-full" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('teams') ?>[<?php echo $count ?>][title]" value="<?php echo $team['title'] ?>" />
            <p class="teams-desc description">
                <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-link">
                    Team social link<br/>
                    <input type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-link" class="input-full" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('teams') ?>[<?php echo $count ?>][link]" value="<?php echo $team['link'] ?>" />
            <p class="teams-desc description">
                <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-img"">
                    Upload an image<br/>
                    <input type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-img" class="input-full input-upload" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('teams') ?>[<?php echo $count ?>][img]" value="<?php echo $team['img'] ?>">
                    <a href="#" class="aq_upload_button button" >Upload</a><p></p>                    
                <?php if(isset($img)) { ?>
                <div class="screenshot">
                    <img src="<?php echo $team['img'] ?>" />
                <?php } ?>
            <p class="teams-desc description">
            <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('hover_color') ?>">
                Hover background color<br/>
                <div class="aqpb-color-picker">
                    <input type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('teams') ?>-<?php echo $count ?>-hover_color" class="input-color-picker"  name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('teams') ?>[<?php echo $count ?>][hover_color]" value="<?php echo $team['hover_color'] ?>" data-default-color="#fff"/>
            <p class="teams-desc description"><a href="#" class="sortable-delete">Delete</a></p>
function add_team() {
    $nonce = $_POST['security'];    
    if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'aqpb-settings-page-nonce') ) die('-1');
    $count = isset($_POST['count']) ? absint($_POST['count']) : false;
    $this->block_id = isset($_POST['block_id']) ? $_POST['block_id'] : 'aq-block-9999';
    //default key/value for the tab
    $team = array(
        'title' => 'My New Social Icon',
        'link' => 'My new social link',
        'img' => '',    
        'hover_color' => ''
    if($count) {
        $this->team($team, $count);
    } else {

function block($instance) {

    // default key/values array
    $defaults = array(
        'title_member'     => '', // the name of the member
        'position'    => '', // job position
        'avatar'    => '', // profile picture
        'bio'        => '', // a little info about the member
        'url'        => '', // website URL    
        'teams' => array(
            1 => array(
                'title' => '',
                'link' => '',
                'img' => '',    
                'hover_color' => ''                    

    // set default values (if not yet defined)
    $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $defaults);

    // import each array key as variable with defined values
    $hover_out = '';
    if(isset($team['hover_color']) && $team['hover_color'] != ''){
        $hover_out = ' style="background:'. $team['hover_color'] .';"';


    <div class="team-wrapper">
        <div class="team">
            <div class="image">
                <img src="<?php echo $avatar  ?>" alt="team" />
            <?php if(trim($url)){ ?>
                <a href="<?php echo $url ?>">
            <?php } ?>
            <div class="title"><?php echo $title_member;  ?></div>
            <?php if(trim($url)){ ?>
            <?php } ?>                
            <div class="role"><?php echo $position;  ?></div>
            <div class="description"><?php echo $bio;  ?></div>
            <div class="social">
                <?php foreach ($teams as $team) { ?>    
                    <?php if($team['img'] != '') { ?>
                        <div <?php echo $hover_out; ?>>
                        <a href = "<?php echo $team['link'] ?>" ><img src ="<?php echo $team['img'] ?>" alt = "<?php echo $team['title'] ?>" ></a>
                <?php } } ?>    
function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
    return $new_instance;


$size = ‘full’ – You can’t do a var assignment in the middle of a function call. Pass $size or ‘full’. If you got this module off the shelf, I’d strongly, strongly recommend using a different module written by competent programmers ( or at least as competent as is possible with wordPress ). This particular parse error occurs on multiple lines in this block.

In the future, post only the line where PHP says the error is and maybe 5 to 10 lines before, not the whole file. Otherwise it’s a needle in a haystack headache unless someone plugs the code into a validating IDE. Also, the exact parse error message is highly useful as it allows us to know what to look for.

yes it came with a theme I bought.

So what should I replace it with or how should I fix it?

If you bought it then I’d demand the vendor fix the parse errors or refund the money.

that’s what I’d usually do but i’m looking for extra help to see if I can fix it now otherwise I have all holidays to wait,

No problems if you can’t help
Many thanks

So you’re wanting others here to fix premium code for free rather than the author of the code to fix it?
Sorry, but that comes across as a bit cheeky to me.

No problem

I spose I’m the only one that WOULD help someone in my perdicement then?

Thanks anyhow

also just to note, I;m not trying to save money, the support for the theme is free but wanted to know if anyone could help me come unstuck over the christmas period.

Anyway never mind I asked somewhere else and got a friendlier and better response

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