Parse PHP in .xml file

I added the following to my .htaccess file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .xml

This worked on my old server, but now it does not work. Is there a setting in Apache I need to change?

Have you tried full <?php open tags?

Yes. No luck.

It may not work on the current web server due to how PHP is configured, likely in CGI mode now where before it was likely an Apache Module.

Depending on the hosting provider, sometimes this can be changed from with the control panel (Plesk does this).

phpinfo() will let you know how PHP is built. In the first box of data, “Server API”.


try to add
RemoveHandler .xml
and restart apache

also check if your .htaccess ever work
write qwertyuop there ad watch result. if 500 - all right it works

That was it. I rebuilt in dso mode and it worked. Thanks!