Passing Cufon a class name won't work in IE7?

Hi all,

I’m using Cufon and while it works in all major browsers when it comes to enabling fonts on header tags, I can’t get it to on classes work in IE7.

For example, the below will work in all browsers (including IE8) except IE7:

Cufon.replace(‘.date-time’, { fontFamily: ‘DejaVu Sans Condensed’ });

For some reason IE7 doesn’t like padding it a class in the format: ‘.date-time’.

If I pass IE7 a header tag such as the example below, it works fine:

Cufon.replace(‘h3’, { fontFamily: ‘DejaVu Sans Condensed’ });

Other browsers don’t have a problem, just IE7.

Any ideas how to override such odd behaviour?


Fixed it - I re-arranged the order in which I load JS’s and had JQuery first before cufon.js and font.js.

JQuery has bow become the selector thus IE7 also works.