Passing Dates to my Mysql 5.0 Stored Procedure

I’m having issues in Mysql 5.0 passing in a date parameter, I’ve noticed that in 5.0 that when I use IN before my parameter I get a syntax error, but here it goes:

CREATE DEFINER=root@localhost PROCEDURE ShowCallsForDay(p_indate DATE)
select p_indate;
select ‘Internet Calls’, count() from InternetCalls where date(calldate) = p_indate;
select ‘Dailys Calls’, count(
) from DailysCalls where date(calldate) = p_indate;
select ‘ODEXBK Calls’, count() from ODEXBK_Calls where date(calldate) = p_indate;
select ‘HOUSE Calls’, count(
) from HOUSE_Calls where date(calldate) = p_indate;
select ‘ODEXGEN Calls’, count() from ODEXGEN_Calls where date(calldate) = p_indate;
select ‘CBDEX Calls’, count(
) from CBDEX_Calls where date(calldate) = p_indate;

Here is the output when I select p_indate inside the Stored Procedure:
mysql> call ShowCallsForDay(‘05/14/2012’);
| p_indate |
| 0000-00-00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

sorry realized my date input parameter must be in default format ie. YYYY-MM-DD my bad