Passing login form variables

i have a ajax login form. i’m able to use the username in another page, but i also want to use the level of the user after they login. i can’t seem to get the $level variable to pass on to the other pages.

<script language="javascript">

		//remove all the class add the messagebox classes and start fading
		//check the username exists or not from ajax
		$.post("ajax_login.php",{ user_name:$('#username').val(),password:$('#password').val(),rand:Math.random(), level:$('#level').val() } ,function(data)
		  if(data=='yes') //if correct login detail
		  	$("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function()  //start fading the messagebox
			  //add message and change the class of the box and start fading
			  $(this).html('Logging in.....').addClass('messageboxok').fadeTo(900,1,
			  	 //redirect to secure page
		  	$("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() //start fading the messagebox
			  //add message and change the class of the box and start fading
			  $(this).html('Your login detail do not match...').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1);
 		return false; //not to post the  form physically
	//now call the ajax also focus move from 

form processing
//get the posted values

//now validating the username and password
$sql="SELECT user_name, password, level FROM user WHERE user_name='".$user_name."'";

//if username exists
	//compare the password
		echo "yes";
		//now set the session from here if needed
		echo "no"; 
	echo "no"; //Invalid Login