Password field validation

I have a password field which must contain at least one (1) UPPER CASE letter, one (1) LOWER CASE letter, one (1) numeric DIGIT: (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), one of the special characters (!@#$%^&+_|~-=\{}:?/),not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters (AAA, iiii, $$$$$ …) and at least 8 characters long
Eg: TbM&htr1.
I am trying to do the above by the following:

function validate( str ) {
var i = 0, c;

while( c = str.charAt( i++ ) )
	if( c === str.charAt(i) &&
		c === str.charAt(i+1)
	) {
		return false;
return true;


function validateChangePassword(){
var oldPass = document.getElementById(‘ed_pass’).value;
var newPass = document.getElementById(‘ed_pass_new’).value;
var cPass = document.getElementById(‘ed_cpass_new’).value;
var re = /^(?=.\d)(?=.[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/;
if(oldPass == ‘’){
alert(“Please provide your old password.”);
return false;
if(newPass == ‘’){
alert(“Please type new password.”);
return false;
else if(newPass != ‘’){
if(validate(newPass) === false){
alert(“Cannot consecutive character…”);
return false;

if(newPass.length < 8){
	alert("New password should be more than 8 characters in length.");
	return false;
if(newPass != cPass ){
	alert("Confirm password is not matching, please type correct one.");
	return false;


But by these two functions, I am unable to validate the mandatory special characters (!@#$%^&+_|~-=\{}:?/). Please help me how to do that.

Thanks in advance.
