Paypal ExpressCheckout integration without leaving the site

Hello all,

I have been told that in Japan there is no service for DoDirectPayment. They have asked me to use ExpressCheckout API. But as I also mentioned in my last thread my client wants the payment process without leaving their website with credit card. I had done it DoDirectPayment. But it seems it is not possible to make a payment without leaving the website using ExpressCheckout.

So can anyone of you please confirm this if it is not possible to achieve the payment without leaving the website using ExpressCheckout ? Or if it is possible then let me know where can I find the way of using SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails and DoExpressCheckout within a single script without redirecting the customer to Paypal website.

Thank you in advance.


Can’t do it with express checkout. The customer had to leave the site and then come back for express. Not sure if it’s available there, but payments pro should allow the customer to remain on the site.