Pdf Document Conversion

Dear All,
I need a guide how can I convert my office document such as .doc , .ppt etc into .pdf document and also I would like to have certain control where some of it I would not allowed to be printed but just viewable. Is this possible any guide please? Thank you.

Are you looking for server side solution? Some kind of PHP script to handle these file conversion?

Dear Lphy,
Yes you are right I need a server side script. I will have my office applications files uploaded so then this php will do the conversion into pdf is this possible? Thank you.

Very difficult to even convert PDF to XML reliably, so then XML to any other format will be just as hard. My opinion: don’t bother.

For starting point checkout this opensource FPDF library for PHP

let us know what kind of server you hosing your site, if its a windows base server you may able install some third-party tools and use COM base PHP scripts to do the job

Dear Lphy,
Actually I have used this library before this is more of creating a pdf document. What I want is for e.g I have a word document file which will be converted on the server to a .pdf file? My server environment will be linux based. Any other suggestion please ? Thank you.

Yes FPDF is to generate PDF files, you can find PHP scripts to read DOC, XLS files and then you need to write conversion script to convert to PDF, It is going to be lot of coding. I havent seen any free PHP libraries which do this.

You may able to install OpenOffice and use COM objects to automate something similar to what you trying to do. But these are very server intensive work, may easily bring down server if you handling lot of files

OpenOffice PHP COM Documentation

Dear Lphy,
Thank you I will do some studies then ok. I will refer your resource then.