Personal Development for Internet Marketers

Hey all,

I’m starting a website about personal development for internet marketers and I wanted to hear your views.

I want to know what you guys want to learn. What do you need help with? What are your concerns?

Do you want to hear about dealing with stress in your entrepreneurial lifestyle? How about getting that extra motivation to continue on with your work? What about psychology ‘tactics’ to help persuade others when going to an interview or what not?

Or do you want to hear about simple, easy nutrition plans that will help give you more energy throughout the day without having to spend hours cooking meals.

Continuing on the same line of thought, how about simple 30min exercise plans that will help keep your health in balance?

I want to hear it all!

So please, tell me what you think. That way I can create really in-depth guides about what you actually want to know about.


If I have to be honest, what I hope is that you teach people how to stop spamming and how harversting e-mail addresses or dropping links everywhere is useless and stupid.

Also how you can recognize a spammer. We’ve been trying to do something like that for years and the message doesn’t get through.

Also, just make sure that you don’t teach them all the stupid stuff that marketer “gurus” teach. Most of the information about online marketing is nonesense

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Hey Molona,

Thanks for the response. For the beginning I actually won’t be teaching people how to make money online as there are so many websites out there doing that already, I’ll just be focusing on improving oneself with a focus on skills internet marketers need.

However if I did ever expand into that area I would recommend creating an authority site and producing amazing content + fantastic promotion to get links. I actually stumbled across the site recently which would be the exact method I’d teach -

Method, perhaps. But I hope you do a lot better at presentation.

Any site that has a “we quit our jobs and now we’re rich” reeks of SCAM and I spend a grand total of less than 2 seconds there before leaving.

I find that this site is a lot less hyped than many of them out there. They let you know that you need to have a solid 8 months of work on your site before you start seeing massive results, and it will take a lot of work.

But a little bit each day adds up. The whole idea behind the method is creating really good, HELPFUL content, then promoting the shit out of the content to get links. It also encompasses building a social following as well as relationship building and I believe it is one of the more long term/sustainable methods out there.

Well, I don’t know what you will teach but doing proper marketing is quite different to “make me rich in 5 min” sites but… I agree with you. You can put your site out there and then work on it every day. Although a minimum styling is required, of course.

Still, if you’re going to talk about motivation and stress-free life for markerters… why not everyone else? Motivation is motivation and I find that the same techniques and counsel works for everyone.

Everything ties together: healty food, exercise, positive attitude, good organization skills…

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