PHP and JavaScript Together?

Hi there,

I would like to know how I could implement JavaScript into a PHP file.

For example, I have a web page that informs the browser to select the javascript.php to be the JavaScript file.
From there, the code of that file is


echo "function validate_form() {

var username = document.getElementById(\\"username\\");
var password = document.getElementById(\\"password\\");
var status = document.getElementById(\\"status\\");

if (username.value.length <= 3) {

status.innerHTML = \\"Username is too short!\\";


return false;

else if (password.value.length <= 3) {

status.innerHTML = \\"Password is too short!\\";


return false;

else {

return true;




How can I use things like str_replace(“”, “”, variable); and whatnot in JavaScript?
Because, I tried using it with a JS variable, but it didn’t work… Any ideas?

Give this a shot:

echo "  document.write('function validate_form() {');\
echo "  document.write('  <!--');\
echo "  document.write('  var username = document.getElementById(\\"username\\");');\
echo "  document.write('  var password = document.getElementById(\\"password\\");');\
echo "  document.write('  var status = document.getElementById(\\"status\\");');\
echo "  document.write('  if (username.value.length <= 3) {');\
echo "  document.write('    status.innerHTML = \\"Username is too short!\\";');\
echo "  document.write('    username.focus();');\
echo "  document.write('    return false;');\
echo "  document.write('  } else if (password.value.length <= 3) {');\
echo "  document.write('    status.innerHTML = \\"Password is too short!\\";');\
echo "  document.write('    password.focus();');\
echo "  document.write('    return false;');\
echo "  document.write('  } else {');\
echo "  document.write('    return true;');\
echo "  document.write('  }');\
echo "  document.write('  //-->');\
echo "  document.write('}');\

Remember, you must do this in your HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src="phpscript.php"></script>

BTW, Here’s a javascript equivalent for str_replace:
JavaScript str_replace - php.js

put that in yor functions js file and you’ll be able to call it just like in php.

Alright, thanks.

Not wishing to pour cold water, I would think carefully about dynamically generating JavaScript. Remember, JavaScript is Cached. It there any particular reason this file needs to be in a PHP file, and not just in a plain old javascript file?

There is no reason, really. I am new to JavaScript, and I was just curious if it were possible to a large extent. But I realize the answer now. So I require no more assistance, thanks. :slight_smile: