PHP Cookie Issue

Hey hey,

Having me some fun trying to figure out where I’m going wrong with my login script. 'Bout ready to pull my hair out, but rather than do that, maybe you guys can help me. :slight_smile:

I’ve got a simple login situation. Usernames are in a dropdown, they enter a password, if password is successful, cookies are assigned. However, even with the cookie assigned my if(isset($_COOKIE[“cookiename”])) is still validating to false EVEN THOUGH the cookies exist.

If I refresh (resubmit) the form THEN the cookie validates. I’m so confused on this.

I suppose a visual would make more sense.

Attached below are the steps of my process in order and where I’m having an issue.

Here’s the login code.

First, the HTML form.

<form method="post"> 
<fieldset class="login_form"> 
<legend>Please enter password to access this page</legend> 
<font color="red"></font><br /> 
<p><label for="access_login">Login:</label><!--<input type="input" name="access_login" />--><select name="access_login"><option value="A&K">A&K</option><option value="CEA">CEA</option><option value="CSSI">CSSI</option><option value="Nexus">Nexus</option></select></p><p><label for="access_password">Password:</label> 
<input type="password" name="access_password" /></p><p><label>&nbsp;</label><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /></p> 

Now, the page where I validate stuff.


if (isset($_COOKIE['slp_name'])) {
	// get page info
	$page_title = $_COOKIE['slp_name'];
	$meta_keywords = "";
	$meta_description = "";
	$content = $_COOKIE['slp_name'];
} else {
	$page_title = "Oops!";
	$meta_keywords = "";
	$meta_description = "";
	$content = "<h1>Oops.</h1><p>It seems that your company page does not exist or hasn't been created yet.</p>";

// Page Output!
$template = get_template("templates/main_page.htm");
$template = str_replace("%PAGE-TITLE%",$page_title,$template);
$template = str_replace("%META-KEYWORDS%",$meta_keywords,$template);
$template = str_replace("%META-DESCRIPTION%",$meta_description,$template);
$template = str_replace("%CONTENT%",$content,$template);

print $template;

Now, the login include.

// request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box only
define('USE_USERNAME', true);

// User will be redirected to this page after logout
define('LOGOUT_URL', 'index.php');

// time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeout
define('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 30);

// This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero
// true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from login

$pw_match_found = false;


// timeout in seconds
$timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60);

// logout?
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
	setcookie("aa_verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password;
	setcookie("slp_name", '', $timeout, '/');
	header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL);

if (!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) {

// show login form
	function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg,$login_opts) {
		$login_form = get_template("templates/login_form.htm");
		if ($error_msg != "") {
			$login_form = str_replace("%ERROR-MESSAGE%",$error_msg,$login_form);
		} else {
			$login_form = str_replace("%ERROR-MESSAGE%","",$login_form);
		$login_form = str_replace("%LOGIN-OPTIONS%",$login_opts,$login_form);
		print $login_form;
	// stop at this point

// user provided password
if (isset($_POST['access_password'])) {

	$login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : '';
	$pass = $_POST['access_password'];
	// Company name 
	$sql = "SELECT

	$result = &$db->query($sql);
	while ($p = $result->fetch()) {
		// Sort through all the data 'till we find a match. 
		if ($_POST["access_login"] == $p["company_name"]) {
			// now we gotta check the password to see if it matches.
			if ($_POST["access_password"] == $p["pass"]) {
				// match
				$pw_match_found = true;

	if ($pw_match_found == false) {
		showLoginPasswordProtect("Incorrect password.",$login_options);
	} else {
   		setcookie("aa_verify", md5($login.'%'.$pass), $timeout, '/');
   		setcookie("slp_name", html_entity_decode($login), $timeout, '/');	

} else {

	// check if password cookie is set
	if (!isset($_COOKIE['aa_verify'])) {

	// check if cookie is good
	$found = false;
	foreach($LOGIN_INFORMATION as $key=>$val) {
		$lp = (USE_USERNAME ? $key : '') .'%'.$val;
		if ($_COOKIE['aa_verify'] == md5($lp)) {
			$found = true;
			// prolong timeout
				setcookie("aa_verify", md5($lp), $timeout, '/');
				setcookie("slp_name", html_entity_decode($login), $timeout, '/');
	if (!$found) {


I can’t figure out WHY it won’t register that the cookie has been set after login was successful AND the cookie IS set.

The images below go like this:

One - Correct password is entered
Two - Cookies are set, but the logic doesn’t SEE them as being set.
Three - You can see the cookies are set when I use the web dev plug-in for Firefox.
Four - I hit refresh…
Five - I hit “Resend”
Six - Suddenly the cookies are recognized.

They need to be recognized at step two. Please help.

Maybe Im missing something, but from a quick scan it would seem that when you submit your login form nothing happens as you havent specified any ACTION in the form header.

Therefore when you refresh thats the first time that script has been run with the POST info and the cookies are declared then.

If you don’t declare an action for a form element the page will submit to itself.

Hey you learn something everyday :slight_smile: