PHP Designer Editor Usage Help

Posting this question for I deduce there might be a programmer who is familiar with the PHP designer editor. Long time ago, I use this IDE editor for I did open all the files of a project for editing. I tried playing around with Project Manager with EDIT button and Project Files with no luck Cannot recall how I was able to open into the editor with one click all the files in a project. On the right, there was a floating Menu and I cannot reactivate. I disable for needed real estate space then. I try looking at the documentation but no luck. I believe the floating menu gives me the ability to open all the files in a project but I cannot return to factory default like photoshop work environment even when I even try uninstalling and reinstalling.

It important to open all the files with one click for I am evaluating a software with lots of modules. Tx in advance for above 2 usage answer.

I discover this site for someone was inquiring about PHP Designer and notice your feedback. Between Nuspere, PHP Designer, and RapidPHP which editor would you recommend? Important feature is being able to run in local host and being able to open a project with one click to look at the code with global search for software modification. Did not mention Zend and others for l had some exposure to them prior. Looking at other editor in case I cannot get the 2 questions answered. Tx.

Guess, I cannot edit the post on the next day.
In order to try to get that floating menu on the right that existed prior on first time usage, I look at Tool, Preferences and even in View to try and get that the factory install initial environment. Initial first time usage install environment can allow me to use that floating menu and play with my project manager or project file (maybe different from the drop down menu) for I can open an existing project rather than clicking on each php file.

In Tools, Application Manager, I kinda have a messy way to open all files in a project. What is the usage relationship with Project Manager, Application Manager and Project Files. Documentation does not provide a must know overview to assist me in getting what I want. I try Project Manager whereby I define the project, root directory, and even look at the edit button in project Manager for it mention to use edit button if u want to manage a project that was created (In my case, I am evaluating a software and need to make global changes). Also, would like to have all the php files open to study. In project files menu, I either have the project name not being there or the list of files not display (recall it was display and maybe when I use the floating menu). I am at my wits end for days trying to evaluate a PHP script without a proper editor whereby I am newbie with Pear DB hurdle and have to enter information on config install on a poorly documented and kinda abundant source forge project(happy it is free with source code).

Looks like I have to use another editor and was wondering what you use when you want to edit modules with various files for each module (average price range product)? Important feature is able to run (option to use which browser for viewing the executed web site with a local host server) while in the editor. Thus, being able to make changes in the editor and seeing the development of the site impact with those coding modifications. Running this product with reinstall of windows is not a viable option to get factory reinstall environment setting of this editor. If I have to, then it is smarter to use a better editor. In photoshop, I can reset and select environment (designer, basic, etc). In photoshop, I have that floating right menu and it would be nice if I know how to manage like I did with photoshop (getting it back).