PHP Dev call - All who are active, how would you rank your skill level?

@oddz Can you clarify your position regarding this? Perhaps it’s just the terminology difference between the discussion being had here and the terminology provided in the article I linked to.

In one post you provide examples on what differentiates a guru level developer:

What is it you are accomplishing by sharing your knowledge if not empowering others to better themselves. Are you not serving the community by contributing to open-source projects?

Of the three levels described in the article I linked to, the “Senior Developer” referenced in the quotation would roughly translate to the “Guru” level in this discussion.

Here is a quote from that article that I believe roughly translates to the “Expert” level in this discussion:

A good intermediate developer needs less supervision. They can be trusted to raise issues of code design, and play a valuable role in design discussions. They are also the “workhorses” of the dev team.

which correlates nicely with one of your comments regarding “Expert” level developers:

I apologize if the terminology difference caused any confusion. I think all in all, my opinion is the same as your own regarding levels of expertise, especially this: