
Ok, will try one simple form, maybe that will clear things out.

As I understand- you’re saying that PHP should check form fields not only if they are blank, but also check a format entered (for example email field should be ‘’)? Does PHP use RegEx?

Exactly! Fall back to Regex if you really have to.

PHP has evolved to hide many regexes behind the Filter classes I mentioned before. See : - validate email - yes/no - sanitize email - clean up and carry on

Thanks a lot! That is cool :slight_smile:

Will be back later with results and more questions :wink:

I managed to validate my form with jQuery, form sends email, but when clicked on ‘Send’- it opens another page, where my mail() is. I would like it not to be directed to .php file, how can I do that?

Once the email has been successfully sent, use PHP to redirect the user to a destination of your choice, does not have to be a PHP file…

if ($mailsent === true){

header("Location: /thankyou.htm");
exit();  // important!

Could even be to a PHP page with a flag that shows different messages:

header("Location: /thankyou.php?msg=23");
exit(); // !



$wily_coyote_messages = array(
0=>"Funny? That should not happen ...",
1=>"Welcome, now please proceed under this huge rock.",
23="Your email is sent! Thanks for your interest in Acme Rocket Skates",

if( isset($_GET['msg'])){
echo "<p>" . $wily_coyote_messages [(int)$_GET['msg']] . "</p>";


This is how my code looks like in send.php page, but it doesn’t work. Any ideas why? :slight_smile:

//start building the mail string
$msg .= "Name: “.$_POST[“name”].”
$msg .= "E-Mail: “.$_POST[“emailaddress”].”
$msg .= "Tel No: “.$_POST[“telNr”].”
$msg .= "Message: “.$_POST[“limitedtextarea”].”

//set up the mail
$recipient = “”;
$subject = “Subject”;
$mailheaders = "Mailheaders<>
$mailheaders .= "Reply-To: ".$_POST[“email”];
//send the mail
mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);

if ($mailsent === true){

header(“Location: /index.html”);
exit(); // important!

“Doesn’t work” is not very descriptive.

What does not work? What error messages are you getting? What debugging have you done to narrow down which part does not work?

ps $msg should be initialized before you concatenate stuff to it, maybe you do this higher up and have not shown us? Else:

$msg = "Name: ".$_POST["name"]."\
";  // <-rm the dot and initialise the variable
$msg .= "E-Mail: ".$_POST["emailaddress"]."\
$msg .= "Tel No: ".$_POST["telNr"]."\
$msg .= "Message: ".$_POST["limitedtextarea"]."\

pps get used to wrapping PHP code samples with [php ]

 tags, makes it easier for anyone else to read.

By ‘it doesn’t work’ I meant that id does not redirect to another page once the form is submitted.

I realised, that it might be a wrong code. My form is on .html page, I want it to be send in the background (if it validates) and then thankyou.html to be displayed.


“PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.” As it says on W3C Schools :slight_smile:

I said right at beginning I am new to PHP, sorry…

mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);

if ($mailsent === true){

header("Location: /index.html");
exit(); // important!

I cannot see where $mailsent is being set, so must assume you really want to do this:

if (mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders) === true){

header("Location: /index.html");
exit(); // important!

Because if you read the manual very carefully on the [fphp]mail/fphp page in the first highlighted box it states:

bool mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]] )

I draw your attention to “bool” that means mail will return either true or false, it won’t return a string or nice message, just true or false.

So that is something you can fork your code on with a conditional check,
if (true)
do this
do that

ok, I’ll try this code now. thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I’d feel a whole lot better if you said you understand the principle of the idea I just placed before you - or asked me questions if you did not understand what the heck bool or boolean meant.

I’m not here to write code for you.

I know what boolean is, I’ve done some JavaScript. Boolean can be only true or false. They are can not be strings or arrays.

I believe I need another part of code you wrote, the one to do something in IF mail is not true, if it does not validate.

I’m not quite sure what header(“Location: /index.html”); means. The second part says where it should be redirected, but I have to check ‘header’.

Entering “PHP header” into google will fetch up [fphp]header[/fphp] - a PHP function which is similar to the JS location.href=xxxxxx