PHP + JQuery AJAX Call Drops Session

I’m having a problem trying to keep a session when i send a AJAX called to a file in a sub directory. I figured it was a problem with session create intance in the cookie based on the sub directory so i did the Set Cookie Param.

ini_set('session.cookie_domain', substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],"."),100));
session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '');

						  url: "/user_signup.php",
						  type: "post",
						  data: values,
						  success: function(){
							  window.location.reload(true);   // Reloads the window to force the session to show in current page.

It works perfect went i put the CreateAccount in the root directory… however just for my sanity (OCD Issues) i prefer the CreateAccount to go into /ajax/CreateAccount.php lol

Your ajax call isnt calling for CreateAccount.php ? it’s calling for /user_signup.php …