PHP mySQL error with retrieving string data table row resource id #4 & while()

I am trying to group all the entries for one username to retrieve all of the columns in that same group. Example a user name will be entered along several other parts of data like name phone number email, things like that. But it puts all the data into the data base like a stair step leading down and increments every following column to the next row, since they are not all grouped on the same row I can’t get but the first entry, the user name which is what I already know… How in the world is this done right, I can’t figure this out!

Here is what I tried and it does just what I just described, looking at the data in phpmysql it looks like this:

column 1____column 2_____column 3______column 4_…>


So it does not work right, here is the php script I tried that did this type of result:

include_once ‘…/common/config.php’; //$tokenkey arrary and other strings for user, password, database for mysql conect
for ( $count = 0; $count <= 19; $count ++) {
for ( $counter = 0; $counter < 20; $counter ++) {
$rand = rand ( 1, 62);
//$token array has 19 strings in it

@mysql_select_db($database, $con) or die( “Unable to select database”);
username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
firstname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
lastname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
state VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
country VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
zipcode VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
sitename VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
options VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
verified VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
approved VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
geosignup VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
geologon VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
optionsnew VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
geooptionsnew VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
summaryledger VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
couponcode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
websitehtml VARCHAR(5000) NOT NULL

//makes all the columns nicely…

//entering all the 19 strings into the data base “users”…

foreach ($array as &$var) {
if($cnt == 0 || $cnt == 1 || $cnt == 2 || $cnt == 3 || $cnt == 9 ||$cnt == 11 || $cnt == 12 || $cnt == 15 || $cnt == 18) {
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (”.$var.“) VALUES (‘$token[$cnt]’)”);
if($cnt >= 4 && $cnt <= 8) {
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (”.$var.“) VALUES (‘$token[$cnt]’)”);
if($cnt == 10 || $cnt == 16 || $cnt == 17) {
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (”.$var.“) VALUES (‘$token[$cnt]’)”);
If($cnt == 13 || $cnt == 14) {
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (”.$var.“) VALUES (‘$token[$cnt]’)”);
if($cnt == 19) {
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (”.$var.“) VALUES (‘$token[$cnt]’)”);

//now it is that big mess I talked about!!

Something I am doing is very wrong, please tell me how this should be done. Tring to figure it out from the manual is getting me no place but more confussed…

Thanks :slight_smile:

the answer is, put all the data values onto the same row

instead of one INSERT statement per value, with a different “token” each time, collect your data values and submit them all at once with a single INSERT statement

I think my problem is in the understanding of how this database prosses the data, I can see that a simple string can be loaded and placed in spicific areas of the database, very similar to an array (stacked) and that it can be prossesed and shifted to be orginized to be easier and quicker to manipulate with php, I will figure out the syntax in time but I am missing the basic understanding of the pinciple funtions and commands and the method in wich the data is brought into mysql and even more interesting how it comes back out, and in what form. It seems that it does not come back out in just a simple string to a veriable as it goes in. I see there is a prosses to retrieve it and to bring it back into a usable form again, that information is what I am not understanding, the manual is not that detailed. Could you if you would list out some basic commands and bool, if I have a better understanding of how mysql works I will have it in no time. It is differant than the prosses I already know (perl, php, xhml 2.0, css 2.1, vbasic, some primary langauges (machine [assembly]) [mac, pc] and just a tiny bit of java script. All are pretty easy for me, only took a few hours to begin to use seriously, but for some reason mysql just completely has me baffeled, it seems very simple but I can not get almost anything to work at all even by going from the manual and experimenting. I spend hours of it doing nothing, no data in or out. When I do get some in it is all messed up and won’t come back out, very frustrating… I am missing something vital for sure, please point the way to my understanding mysql that has my utmost interest at this time… information is what I need, details where can I find them? Thankx :slight_smile: Please show me what you have suggested in script form and what it is doing, I what to learn this stuff.

i believe you are missing the concept of a table row

a table row consists of a collection of column values, and you would insert a row of data into a table as follows:

  INTO users 
     ( username 
     , password 
     , firstname
     , lastname 
     , address 
     , city 
     , state 
     , etc )
     ( 'todd42'
     , 'opensesame'
     , 'Todd'
     , 'O''Toole'   
     , '123 Main Street'
     , 'Eureka'
     , 'KS'
     , 'asdfasdf' )

see? the entire row goes in at once, not token by token as you were trying to do

Thank you that is exactly what I needed to know, the order is very important I understand now. I have another issue with setting the index properly. It seems not to like the combinations I have been trying. For instance ‘(id INT [MEDIUMINT] (9) UNIQUE [PRIMARY] KEY(id))’ what is the proper syntax for this coomand? the “(9)” is for 9 digit intiger? I understand VARCHAR(?) the “?” is the max number of chactors but in TEXT(?) I have not discovered what the “(?)” desinates apparently it is columns instead? Thankx for your help in learning mysql!


no, the number here means only how many digits to display when using ZEROFILL

INTEGER(1) and INTEGER(9) and INTEGER(937) all hold exactly the same range of integers

TEXT does not take a length

Yes that is what I thought TEXT does not take a legnth, so what is that spacificly to represent [TEXT(?)]? Grouping is just done by the command [GROUP BY]. This is starting to makes sense to me now. Another question, in what form does the database output the data in, ie (alpha, numeric, symbols) and how can it be put into a string or array in php? Thankx :slight_smile:

i am quite relieved to hear that :smiley:

I am understanding this more, makes sence to me. But I tried it and appairently my syntax is incorrect because this created the table users perfectly but did not enter any VALUES although the array $token has 19 values. I think this answer should settle my create / insert issues for good:

@mysql_select_db($database, $con) or die( “Unable to select database”);
username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
firstname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
lastname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
state VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
country VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
zipcode VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
sitename VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
options VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
verified VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
approved VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
geosignup VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
geologon VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
optionsnew VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
geooptionsnew VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
summaryledger VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
couponcode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
websitehtml VARCHAR(5000) NOT NULL

@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO users (
password ,


can’t help you man, sorry, i don’t do php, this is the mysql forum, eh

although you did not know it, your INSERT did not even run, it failed on a syntax error

it is easy to spot the error with an eyeball check

you are missing two tokens

LOL!!! It would help if I could count all the way to 10 not only once but twice!! Must be a Freudian slip of a sorts? :eek:

But seriously now, one more question and I’m on my way to get some stuff done, I am not sure in what form the row (string?) $result comes out from mySQL… Here is the script to pull the row grouped by column usermane with value $token[1]:

It gives these two errors:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): 4 is not a valid MySQL result resource in /XXX/XXX/test.php on line 109

Warning: mysql_free_result(): 4 is not a valid MySQL result resource in /XXX/XXX/test.php on line 113

$result=mysql_query(“SELECT username
, password
, firstname
, lastname
, address
, city
, state
, country
, zipcode
, sitename
, options
, verified
, approved
, geosignup
, geologon
, optionsnew
, geooptionsnew
, summaryledger
, couponcode
, websitehtml
FROM users WHERE username = ‘$token[1]’”);
if ($result !== “”) {
for ( $count = 0; $count <= 19; $count ++) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)) { // ERROR line 109
mysql_free_result($result); // ERROR line 113
echo “Database users creation FAILED. Token created for (username) is: “.$token[1].”<br />”;

The two lines that ERROR (109 & 113) are listed to the right of //

OK… I’ll take the scipt over to a PHP forum, but maybe you could give me a better insight into what the raw form the data comes out of mySQL and how to get into string form to be used? $result comes out to a value of a funtion identified by a number as in this case it is “Resource id #4” but is unusable in that form. What is the prosses to put into a string value?

I have moved this question to PHP:

Thankx :slight_smile:

I am not sure in what form the row data $result comes out from mySQL… Here is the script to pull the row grouped by column usermane with value $token[1]:

It gives these two errors:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): 4 is not a valid MySQL result resource in /XXX/XXX/test.php on line 109

Warning: mysql_free_result(): 4 is not a valid MySQL result resource in /XXX/XXX/test.php on line 113

$result=mysql_query("SELECT username
, password
, firstname
, lastname
, address
, city
, state
, country
, zipcode
, sitename
, options
, verified
, approved
, geosignup
, geologon
, optionsnew
, geooptionsnew
, summaryledger
, couponcode
, websitehtml
FROM users WHERE username = '$token[1]'");
if ($result !== "") {
for ( $count = 0; $count <= 19; $count ++) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)) { // ERROR line 109
mysql_free_result($result); // ERROR line 113
echo "Database users creation FAILED. Token created for (username) is: ".$token[1]."<br />";

The two lines that ERROR (109 & 113) are listed to the right of //

How is this data ($result) properly possesed into a string value? The value I see for $result at this point is only a funtion (Resource id #4) when echo $result; it has no string value as yet by this script. I’m very new with mySQL trying to get the basics straight so I can figure it out. Thankx :slight_smile:

Your getting the errors because the query has failed, most likely because the $token[1] in the WHERE clause is not enclosed in { and }

Two threads merged. If any problem turns about to be in another area for example this thread started off as a MySQL problem but has turned out to be a PHP problem when just report the thread and request a thread move to the more appropriate forum. Thanks

To get useful information in case of a query error, display mysql_error() and the query you’re executing, for example using the ‘or die()’ construction:

$query = "
    , password
    , firstname
    , lastname
    , address
    , city
    , state
    , country
    , zipcode
    , sitename
    , options
    , verified
    , approved
    , geosignup
    , geologon
    , optionsnew
    , geooptionsnew
    , summaryledger
    , couponcode
    , websitehtml
  FROM users 
  WHERE username = '" . $token[1] ."'
$result=mysql_query($query) or die('mysql error ' . mysql_error() . ' in query ' . $query);