PHP Not updating database

Hi people,

I’ve got a few lines of code that check a user’s id, then update a field in the database to ‘1’. Unfortunately its not working and wondering if someone can help troubleshoot:

Part 1 (in confirmaccount.php)


Part 2 (in usermodel.php)

public function updatePremiumCC($userid)
        $sql = "UPDATE users SET ccdetails = '1' AND featured = '1' WHERE id = $userid";


The code looks fine (sorta), do you receive any errors? What framework are you using? CodeIgniter ?

Hi Anthony,

Yep using the codeigniter framework. There are no errors shown either in logs or on screen. I’ve also made sure I have error messages on:

error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors','On');

Is there something I can ‘print’ before the sql query goes off to check the $userid is there or something along those lines?

Possibly, try …

log_message('debug', 'Executing: ' . $sql);

Then check your logs. :slight_smile: