PHPDoc type hint for variable that can be looped over or act as array?

I’m not sure what exactly PHPDoc type hint should be for a variable that is either array or an object that can act like an array? I have come up with some ideas but I’m not 100% sure about them:

The param has to be an array or an object that can be used in foreach:

	 * @param array|Traversable $subscribers

The param has be be an array or an object that can use all ArrayAccess features like foreach, count(), square bracket element access, etc.:

	 * @param array|ArrayAccess $subscribers

Am I doing it right?

I’m not sure whether this is just a phpstorm thing or what, but I can tell you if you have an array of say $player objects, and you wanted to have code hinting work on the foreach loop, you can use a phpdoc syntax like this:

*@var $players Player[]

foreach($players as $player){
 $player-> //the moment you do this in php storm, you'll get code hinting to all the public methods in a Player object

Again, I’m not sure whether this is just a phpstorm thing, but I do it all the time because I find it very useful.

I use Netbeans and this works but with a slight modification:

/* @var $players Player[] */

I can also do this for parameter hints:

     * @param Subscriber[] $subscribers

This is nice, I didn’t know about it! However, it only partially answers my question, because this case only covers a collection of objects. Can I describe collections of other data types in the same way? Like this:

     * @param string[] $subscribers
     * @param int[] $timestamps
