PHPUnit - Testing Cookies and Sessions

Instead of using $_COOKIE and $_SESSION directly, you create objects with methods like Session::get('some_var');. Then when it runs on the website you access $_SESSION, but when run for tests you use a simple array. Ideally you would make different adapters for the different environments.

As a very basic example:

class Session
    private $adapter;
    public static function init(SessionAdapter $adapter)
        self::$adapter = $adapter;
    public static function get($var)
        return self::$adapter->get($var);
    public static function set($var, $value)
        return self::$adapter->set($var, $value);

interface SessionAdapter
    public function get($var);
    public function set($var, $value);

public class PhpSessionAdapter implements SessionAdapter
    public function get($var)
        return isset($_SESSION[$var]) ? $_SESSION[$var] : null;
    public function set($var, $value)
        $_SESSION[$var] = $value;

public class MemorySessionAdapter implements SessionAdapter
    private $session = array();
    public function get($var)
        return isset($this->session[$var]) ? $this->session[$var] : null;
    public function set($var, $value)
        $this->session[$var] = $value;

Then in your code for the website you start with Session::init(new PhpSessionAdapter());, and for testing you use Session::init(new MemorySessionAdapter());. Then in the rest of the code just use Session::get and Session::set without worrying the data actually goes / comes from.