Playing with url/anonymity: how to display other website using your own webaddress

I have come to interesting scenario. my isp has blocked one site and i want to my own site to refer to that blocked site.

Example Scenario:
my site name is and blocked site is

All i want is, whenever user enter then webpage dispaly the contents of sitepoint but url should be the same as entered. and all the links in displayed webpage should be prefixed with

purpose is simply to bypass isp but using this technique. i want my site to work as simple anonymity website.

Please suggest me how to design this and reference material to read. i guess url redirecting/rewriting, parsing may be involved.

Sounds to me like you want to set up a proxy server.

Why go through all the trouble to build this when you can use any of the dozens of proxy services available online?

Yes, i want to setup a proxy server. you r right there are dozen of proxy servers but they are too slow and also i don’t want to pay them but to start my own proxy server. any help in this regard?

Which works fine until the site in question blocks you.
You can do this with cURL and some creative string replacements.

However, as this is in violation of most websites’ terms of service, including your host, most likely, and would be a privacy hole the size of nevada if you ever tried to reach a site with login requirements, I cannot give you any further advice than that.