Please help me understand PHP Generators

I’m studying for the ZCE exam and I am kinda stuck on what a PHP Generator is.

I read the php docs but I am not sure why a Generator is used. Seems like more code needs to be written to use a generator to do a simple task a forloop could do on its own.

I tried writing some code to see if it would make me understand it better but still I am not quite sure what the advantage of a generator is.

Here is the code I wrote:


//Generator Function
function shownum($num){
	echo "Start Generator<br>";
	foreach($num as $key){
		yield $key;
	echo "<br>End generator";

$nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6];

//Call the shownum function and pass the $num array.
$looped = shownum($nums);

//Loop through the $looped array.
foreach($looped as $key){
	echo $key;

Not sure why that would be better than this


$nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6];

//Loop through the $nums array.
foreach($nums as $key){
	echo $key;

You’re right in your example there is no real need to use generator.
As i understand them, they’re useful when you want to create really large array dynamically but don’t want store it in memory (due to memory limits).

There’s a pretty good explanation of them in this article (on sitepoint, of all places! :wink: ) I knew I’d seen it somewhere.

I think this does a very nice job of explaining them - the interesting part about generators is the ability to use the send() method to influence what the next value for it might be (see the Injecting Values section)


They are also very handy for infinite sequences, like if you wanted to walk over the values of the fibonacci sequence (see

Awesome! Thanks a lot, this really helped. I Think I was just over thinking it.

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