Pligg VS WordPress

I’m looking for a solid CMS system that can be used for multiple site types, such as: Blog, Link Directory and review site. Something that I can hand over to a client who knows nothing about websites and can manage and maintain on their own. What do you think?

It all depends on what you want to offer your clients. Pligg and Wordpress offers a different kind of platform where pligg is more of a bookmarking site.

I’d like WordPress
It’s very security.

but I do not know what is pligg, I never used this ))

It completely upto your requirement, If you want to build something like bookmarking site go with pligg otherwise wordpress is the best pick

I think at the end of the day it all comes down to what you have in mind.

Wordpress allows users to sign up for blogs and get their unique URLs on your server. And Pligg is an excellent Digg clone social networking platform. It is a high scalable yet demanding social networking platform.

But when it comes to choosing a Blog, Link Directory and review site you want your CMS to be highly scalable, flexible, and easy to use. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your taste. I personally like WordPress as it allows to host others’ blogs for free.