Pls help with styling a button

so my client wants this slick look for the login form…
(yes text boxes and submit button have to look the same…:wink:

but am having a hard time with submit button…
I have examples of two forms here,

one with intput type=“submit” and one with a <button>…

in both cases I can’t get the submit button to have the same height as the text boxes (am giving these no height, and am hoping to not have to… but even giving them a height, created problems, even more problems, actually… if I give them a height and take away all padding, the button is still not the same height as the text boxes…:frowning: yikes…)

thank you…

PS: and this will be a lot of fun also, as am having a hard time with the font color for placeholder text in FF… this is just grand…;~))


Just adding margin: 0 to the button fixes it for me in Chrome.

Having the same design for the inputs and the button is not a great idea, though, as it’s confusing for users … But, of course, if the clients want users to be confused and frustrated, then you have to give them what they want … (or deserve) … :slight_smile: