Plz help me to find the solution for this

 The following URL creates a new employee
 Expected POST data to create a new employee is name and type
 Web service returns HTTP 201 CREATED response code if employee creation is successful
 Create a new employee and output “OK” to the browser if and only if creation is successful
 Use PHP & CURL only
4. Regular expressions
4.1. Data extracting
 An example text:
On February 13, 2009, at exactly 23:31:30 (UTC) the decimal representation of Unix time was equal to 1234567890. Parties and other celebrations were held around the world, among various technical subcultures, to celebrate this day.
 Output to the browser all numbers greater than 4 digits contained in the given input text using PHP.
 Use regular expressions
 Of course, the output must work whatever is the text given as input
4.2. Data replacing
 The following text:
During the day, Damien is working.
 From the given input, output the following text to the browser:
Damien is happy to work.
 Use regular expressions functions only
 No more than 2 lines of code expe

Is this a homework assignment? If so, why don’t you try and work it out? Then post your code and the problem you are experiencing and allow us to help you. We will not do it for you.

Thank you @cpradio… its because of u only i did the work by myself… thanks a lot

What was the answer?

Hi psychegames.seg, welcome to the forums

kishore410 did the work himself

This thread is old, please follow the advice of cpradio and start your own new thread. Thanks.