Poll: Where would you rather work?

If you were a Software Engineer, where would you work?

  • Create own startup
  • Join someone else’s startup
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • eBay
  • Intel
  • Oracle
  • Cisco
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Yahoo!
  • Dropbox
  • Omniture
  • Mozilla
  • Intuit
  • NetApp
  • Box
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Salesforce
  • Amazon
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Optimizely

I can’t choose. I’m already what I want to be and I am where I want to be… I’m a freelancer :smiley:

I’m curious though… what’s the purpose of this poll? :smiley:

I have to concur with @molona’s statement. I am where I want to be. I have zero desire to work for any of the companies you list, and I’ve already been down the “be your own boss” path as a junior partner in a small MM company (didn’t like it.)



While I agree with both @molona and @WolfShade, I wouldn’t mind a few of them. But I think most have certain things about them that I don’t think I would like and I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. I work 40hr weeks and not much more, I think my max was probably somewhere around 50hrs. Sometimes I do more, but it’s usually when I’m working from home and just don’t feel like ending the day yet. But most of the ones on the list, I know for a fact require 60-80hr work weeks. Regardless of how the company would look on a resume, I don’t think I would handle that well. I value my free time quite a bit.

Then at some of them, you have insanely high competitiveness between engineers. I’m a pretty competitive person, but I think this would just cause me a ton of stress. My job is pretty relaxed and I get paid pretty close to the same those companies do. I may not have a minifridge full of craft beers in our break room, but I do at home and work from home at least a few times a week. :slight_smile:

Though, I wouldn’t mind doing my own or being part of the founders of a startup. I think that would be fun.

Where’s the option for Sitepoint :wink: ?


I’ve lost nearly all respect for Corporate America and “Big Tech”.

Those companies have no soul - including ones like Apple.

All just a bunch of large sausage grinders in my experience…

Thumbs up to the little man (and woman) that made America great (and still do)!!

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