Populating a form on another page with a hyperlink

I am trying to populate a form with the data collected from another page.

I run a select * query in a page, format it into a table and added a hyperlink at the end of the $row. The idea is to pull this record out and bring it into my update form so I can update information in the record.

the problem that I am having is no matter what $row I select and click the hyperlink I always end up getting the last record of my database and not the record that I am trying to select. I’ve been playing around for a while and not getting any closer to figure it out. any idea whats happening?


the receiving input field in my table on the other page:

You would need to show some code. The $row[‘field’] would need to be in the WHILE loop.

 //query to populate employee form//
		$query = "SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY firstname ASC";
		$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);

	echo'<table class="tblviewemp" >';
		echo '<thead>';
			echo '<tr class="tblviewemp">';
			echo'<th class="dataH" id="emppicthumb">Employee Pic </th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> First Name</th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH">Last Name </th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> ID</th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> Update</th>';
		echo '</thead>';
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
		  // Display the employee data
		echo '<tr>';
			//echo '<td class="thumb"><img  src="' . EMP_UPLOADPATH . $row['employeepic'] . '" alt="Employee image" /></td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['firstname'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['lastname'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['employeeid'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td><a class="update" href="update_employee.php?employeeid=' . 
			$row['employeeid'] . '&amp;firstname='. $row['firstname'] . '&amp;lastname=' . $row['lastname'] .'">update</a></td>';
		echo '</tr>';

and the receiving end is:

                  <label for="employeeid" class="label" >Employee ID:</label>                
                  <input name="employeeid" type="text" required class="input" id="employeeid" value="<?php echo $_GET['employeeid']; ?>"/>
                  <label for="firstname" class="label" >First Name:</label>                
                  <input name="firstname" type="text" required class="input" id="firstname" value="<?php echo $_GET['firstname']; ?>"/>
                  <label for="lastname" class="label" >Last Name:</label>                
                  <input name="lastname" type="text" required class="input" id="lastname" value="<?php echo $_GET['lastname']; ?>" />

ok this didn’t print out properly… let me try again

the sending script is:

 //query to populate employee form//
		$query = "SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY firstname ASC";
		$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);

	echo'<table class="tblviewemp" >';
		echo '<thead>';
			echo '<tr class="tblviewemp">';
			echo'<th class="dataH" id="emppicthumb">Employee Pic </th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> First Name</th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH">Last Name </th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> ID</th>';
			echo'<th class="dataH"> Update</th>';
		echo '</thead>';
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
		  // Display the employee data
		echo '<tr>';
			//echo '<td class="thumb"><img  src="' . EMP_UPLOADPATH . $row['employeepic'] . '" alt="Employee image" /></td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['firstname'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['lastname'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td class="data">' . $row['employeeid'] . '</td>';
			echo '<td><a class="update" href="update_employee.php?employeeid=' . 
			$row['employeeid'] . '&amp;firstname='. $row['firstname'] . '&amp;lastname=' . $row['lastname'] .'">update</a></td>';
		echo '</tr>';

and the receiving form is:

<label for="employeeid" class="label" >Employee ID:</label>                
                  <input name="employeeid" type="text" required class="input" id="employeeid" value="<?php echo $_GET['employeeid']; ?>"/>
                  <label for="firstname" class="label" >First Name:</label>                
                  <input name="firstname" type="text" required class="input" id="firstname" value="<?php echo $_GET['firstname']; ?>"/>
                  <label for="lastname" class="label" >Last Name:</label>                
                  <input name="lastname" type="text" required class="input" id="lastname" value="<?php echo $_GET['lastname']; ?>" />

for some reason the first couple of line don’t want to print in here: trying again with the missing lines:

 <label for="employeeid" class="label" >Employee ID:</label>                
                  <input name="employeeid" type="text" required class="input" id="employeeid" value="<?php echo $_GET['employeeid']; ?>"/>

Well the site doesn’t want to print my first two line which are the same: label and input for employeeid

When viewing source, do you see correct info? Have you tried moving class=“update” after href=? I have not see <a href broken like that before.

You my friend are getting too good at this… That was the problem. the class between “a” and “href” caused the problem. its loading perfectly now. thanks a bunch. Oh! and I hate you hahahaha I been working on this and reading for like 4 hours and it took you 1 look to figure it out. you are quite skilled. thank you very much.

I’ve fixed the posts now.

To post code, either highlight it and use the </> button in the editor window, or place three backticks` on a line above your code, and three on a line below your code.

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