Pos system

Hello please I need urgent assistant to write a multi-user point of sales system in java that allows the cashier to key in all purchased product codes, quantities and then output a receipt.

Please where do I start from I am new to programming, it is a command line system


Starting with a complex multi-platform client-server system that handles money is not a good place to start with programming. You probably should buy or rent one.

Thanks I have manage to do something the application is running now but how can I used thread to turn it in a muilti-user system?

here is the code so far

import java.util.*;
public class PointOfSales{

public static void main(String [] args){

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("                XTREME POS SYSTEM \


    System.out.println("Enter product code [0 - 9] and qauntity [0 - 9] then press 0 to calculate and print receipt");



Product code = ");
String code = input.next();

         System.out.print("Quantity = ");
         int qty = input.nextInt();

         if((code == SENTINEL) || (qty == 0)){

             double pr = getPrice(code);
             String ds = getDesc(code, qty);

             double check = pr * qty;
             total += check;
             output += ds;


System.out.println("Total is: " + total);
System.out.println(“Do you wish to continue? (yes or no)”);
condition = input.next();


private static double getPrice(String thecode){

    String code = thecode;


         price = 176.2;

    else if(code.equals("0012")){

         price = 156.7;

    else if(code.equals("0013")){

         price = 186.2;

    else if(code.equals("0014")){

         price = 256.3;

    else if(code.equals("0015")){

        price = 216.8;

    return price;

 private static String getDesc(String desc, int q){

    String description = desc;
    int quantity = q;


         descs = "Product Code -:     0011 \

Quantity -: " + quantity + "
Price -: $176.2


    else if(description.equals("0012")){

         descs = "Product Code -:     0012 \

Quantity -: " + quantity + "
Price -: $156.7



    else if(description.equals("0013")){

         descs = "Product Code -:     0013 \

Quantity -: " + quantity + "
Price -: $186.2


    else if(description.equals("0014")){

         descs = "Product Code -:     0014 \

Quantity -: " + quantity + "
Price -: $256.3


    else if(description.equals("0015")){

         descs = "Product Code -:     0015 \

Quantity -: " + quantity + "
Price -: $216.8


    return descs;

 static final String SENTINEL = "0";
 static String condition = "no";
 static String descs;
 static String output = "==+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++==\

Product Detials

static double total;
static int cal;
static double price;


well to point you in the right direction why build somthing from ground up as for that you can simply try and use PHPPOS