Post/get doesn't work?


Can anyone tell me why this doesn’t work?

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ip,port FROM radio WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");

This code work

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ip,port FROM radio WHERE id='1'");

// Mike Gieson
// © 2006 Plaino
// v1.0

require_once "db.php";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ip,port FROM radio WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");

// Settings
#$host = "pluto";				// Shoutcast Host
#$port = "8090";					// Shoutcast Port
$mount = "/";					// Used for alternate path to "Streaming URL" -- leave as "/" for the default setup.
$icecastInterval = "100";		// Max number of MB to load
$wimpySwf = "wimpy_button.swf";	// Button SWF file name
$width = "70";					// Width of the button
$height = "70";					// Height of the button
$buttonStyle = "circle";		// Button style: Can be "circle" or "square";

//                                             //
//                                             //
//            (unless your a pro)              //
//                                             //

$newline = "\
$configs = "theFile=".rawurlencode($streamURL."?action=stream")."&icecast=".$icecastInterval."&buttonStyle=".$buttonStyle."&tptBkgd=yes";
$objectID = "wimpybutton";
$action = @$_REQUEST['action'];

if($action == "stream"){

	// Make socket connection
	$errno = "errno";
	$errstr = "errstr";
	$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);

	// Establish response headers
	header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
	header("Content-Type: audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-mpeg-3, audio/mpeg3");
	header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

	// Content-Length is required for Internet Explorer:
	// - Set to a rediculous number
	// = I think the limit is somewhere around 420 MB
	header("Content-Length: 100000000");

	// Create send headers
	$out = "GET $mount HTTP/1.1\\r\
	$out .= "Host: $host\\r\
	$out .= "Connection: Close\\r\

	// Write the returned data back to the resource
	fwrite($fp, $out);

	// Read resource
	while (!feof($fp)) {

		// Get data in 2048 chuncks
		$outData = fgets($fp, 2048);

		// Removing shoutcast headers.
		if (!stristr($outData, "icy") && !stristr($outData, "content")){
			echo $outData;



} else if ($action == "getJavaScript"){

$out = '// Mike Gieson
// © 2006 Plaion Inc.
// v1.0


wimpySwf = "'.$wimpySwf.'";
icecastInterval = "'.$icecastInterval.'";
width = "'.$width.'";
height = "'.$height.'";
configs = "'.$configs.'";
objectID = "'.$objectID.'";

function writeWimpyButton(){
	outputHMTL = "";
	outputHMTL += \\'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'codebase=",0,47,0" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'width="\\'+width+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'height="\\'+height+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'id="\\'+objectID+\\'">\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="movie" value="\\'+wimpySwf+\\'" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="loop" value="false" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="menu" value="false" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="quality" value="high" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<param name="flashvars" value="\\'+configs+\\'" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'<embed src="\\'+wimpySwf+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'flashvars="\\'+configs+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'width="\\'+width+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'height="\\'+height+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'bgcolor="#FFFFFF" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'loop="false" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'menu="false" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'quality="high" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'name="\\'+objectID+\\'" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'align="middle" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" \\';
	outputHMTL += \\'pluginspage="" />\\';
	outputHMTL += \\'</object>\\';
	//document.write(\\'<br><textarea name="textarea" cols="40" rows="10">\\'+outputHMTL+\\'</textarea><br>\\');
echo "$out";

} else {

$out = '<HTML>
<TITLE>WimpyCast - Shoutcast through Flash</TITLE>
<script src="'.$streamURL."?action=getJavaScript".'" /></script>
<P><b>Shoutcast through Flash </b><br>
Mike Gieson <br>
<a href=""></a><br>
© 2006 Plaino Inc.<br>
v1.0 <br></P>



echo "$out";



When navigating to the page, was there a query string at the end of the URI? It should have looked like this: ?id=1 (where 1 can be any integer).

You may also want to consider some basic sanitation upon your HTTP GET variable; such as type casting it to an integer:

if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $id = (int) $_GET['id']; // ensure only integers
    $id = 1; // if no query string was entered in the URI, give a default value (optional).

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ip, port FROM radio WHERE id = {$id}");

Also keep in mind, using $_GET only works if the variable is passed via the URL, it will not work for forms that use POST. If you want to read the variable regardless if it came from the URL or from a form using POST, you may want to try $_REQUEST.

So taking @tpunt ; code, you would have the following:

if(isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; // ensure only integers
    $id = 1; // if no query string was entered in the URI, give a default value (optional).

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ip, port FROM radio WHERE id = {$id}"); 

When you say “doesn’t work” what do you mean exactly? do a mysql_error(); exit(); after your mysql_query. That will dump out any error that you are getting. It wouldn’t hurt to store your query in a variable called $query either, that way you can echo out what the query actually looks like at runtime.

like mysql_query($query = ‘select * from yatta yatta’ . $_GET[‘id’]);

then you can echo $query, that will let you know if $_GET[‘id’] is the value you are expecting it to be. You could also take the echo’d out query and dump it into PHPmyadmin or w/e mysql client you use and check in greater detail what’s going on.