Posting form contents to ajax not working

Hello All,

I’m having trouble getting a form to post. The code i’m using was adapted from a much simpler form i’ve used in the past. I’ve tried to adopt the .js and .php to work with the new form, but when i click “submit” nothing happens.

The form has some ant-spam things added including adding the form’s action after the submit button is clicked. On the original, simple form, this works perfectly, but on the new one, nothing happens when submit is pressed.

The form with the problems can be seen here

The simple form that was derived from can be seen here

Can anyone see what i’m missing here? I assume i’ll find more issues as well, but right now i’m focusing on trying to get the form to post.

Any insight or information is really REALLY appreciated!

Thank you all,

Is the error console displaying any js error messages?



Hi WolfShade,

It did catch a typo which i’ve fixed. Now it’s only showing the following error (and i have no idea what it means lol):
Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function

I am also happy to post the code (html, js and php) if it will help. Just let me know. Thanks again!

You have error in the php side more probably as the form error working correct. Just show the code how you storing the data and how ajax call is making?

UPDATE - one last issue**

there were some syntax errors in my javascript that cause it to have the original problem. Now that those are fixed i just have one more thing to fix before it’s done. Thanks a lot for the feedback :slight_smile:

When the form is submitted, <div id=“response”></div> is populated with either a “success” message or a “failed” message. I would like to add focus to the response div to be sure the user will always see that message. Where should I add this?

Here are the two files with the logic:


$(document).ready(function() {

	$('#agents input:submit').click(function() {
		$('#agents form').attr('action', 'http://' + document.domain + '/php/feedback.php');
		$('#agents form').submit();

	$('form #response').hide();
	$('#submit').click(function(e) {

		// prevent forms default action until
		// error check has been performed

		// grab form field values
		var valid = '';
		var nameResponse = '';
		var addressResponse = '';
		var cityResponse = '';
		var stateResponse = '';
		var zipResponse = '';
		var phoneResponse = '';
		var yearResponse = '';
		var makeResponse = '';
		var modelResponse = '';
		var bodyStyleResponse = '';
		var vinResponse = '';
		var damagedGlassResponse = '';
		var insCompanyResponse = '';
		var agencyResponse = '';
		var policyResponse = '';
		var sentByResponse = '';
		var compCoverageResponse = '';
		var deductibleResponse = '';
		var dateOfLossResponse = '';
		var causeOfLossResponse = '';
		var replyEmailResponse = '';
		var specialInstructionsResponse = '';
		var required = ' is required.';
		//Custom Information
		var name = $('form #cusName').val();
		var address = $('form #cusAddress').val();
		var city = $('form #city').val();
		var state = $('form #state').val();
		var zip = $('form #zip').val();
		var homePhone = $('form #homePhone').val();
		var workPhone = $('form #workPhone').val();
		var cellPhone = $('form #cellPhone').val();
		//Vehicle Information
		var year = $('form #year').val();
		var make = $('form #make').val();
		var model = $('form #model').val();
		var bodyStyle = $('form #bodyStyle').val();
		var vin = $('form #vin').val();
		var damageGlass = $('form #damagedGlass').val();
		//Insurance Information
		var insCompany = $('form #insCompany').val();
		var agency = $('form #agency').val();
		var policy = $('form #policy');
		var sentBy = $('form #sentBy');
		var compCoverage = $('form #compCoverage').val();
		var deductible = $('form #deductible').val();
		var dateOfLoss = $('form #dateOfLoss').val();
		var causeOfLoss = $('form #causeOfLoss').val();
		var replyEmail = $('form #replyEmail').val();
		var specialInstructions = $('form #specialInstructions').val();
		//Spam Info
		var honeypot = $('form #honeypot').val();
		var humanCheck = $('form #humanCheck').val();

		// perform error checking
		if (name = '' || name.length <= 2) {
			nameResponse += '<p>Customer name' + required +'</p>';	
		if (address = '' || address.length <= 5) {
			addressResponse += '<p>Customer address' + required + '</p>';
		if (city = '' || city.length <=2) {
			cityResponse += '<p>Customer city' + required + '</p>';
		if (state = '' || state.length < 2) {
			stateResponse += '<p>Customer state' + required + '</p>';
		if (zip = '' || zip.length <= 4) {
			zipResponse += '<p>Customer zip code' + required + '</p>';
		if (homePhone = '' || homePhone.length < 7) {
			phoneResponse += '<p>Customer home phone' + required + '</p>';
		if (year = '' || year.length < 4) {
			yearResponse += '<p>Vehicle year (ex: 2011)' + required + '</p>';
		if (make = '' || make.length <=2) {
			makeResponse += '<p>Vehicle make' + required + '</p>';
		if (model = '' || model.length < 2) {
			modelResponse += '<p>Vehicle model' + required + '</p>';
		if (bodyStyle = '') {
			bodyStyleReponse += '<p>Please select a body style</p>';
		if (vin = '' || vin.length <= 16) {
			vinResponse += '<p>Vin number' + required + '</p>';
		if (damagedGlass = '' || damagedGlass <= 3) {
			damagedGlassResponse += '<p>Damaged Glass' + required + '</p>';
		if (insCompany = '' || insCompany.length <=2) {
			insCompanyResponse += '<p>Insurance company' + required + '</p>';
		if (agency = '' || agency.length <=3) {
			agencyResponse += '<p>Agency' + required + '</p>';
		if (policy = '' || policy.length <=5) {
			policyResponse += '<p>Policy number' + required + '</p>';
		if (sentBy = '' || sentBy.length <= 6) {
			sentByResponse += '<p>Please include your name in the ' + '"Sent By"' + 'field</p>';
		if (compCoverage = '') {
			compCoverage += '<p>Comp Coverage' + required + '</p>';
		if (deductible = '') {
			deductibleResponse += '<p>Deductible' + required + '</p>';
		if (dateOfLoss = '' || dateOfLoss.length <= 3) {
			dateOfLoss += '<p>Date of loss' + required + '</p>';
		if (causeOfLoss = '' || causeOfLoss.length <= 3) {
			causeOfLoss += '<p>Cause of loss' + required + '</p>';
		if (!replyEmail.match(/^([a-z0-9._-]+@[a-z0-9._-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$)/i)) {
			replyEmailResponse += '<p>Your reply email' + required +'</p>';												  
		if (specialInstructions = '' || specialInstructions.length <= 5) {
			specialInstructionsResponse += '<p>A message' + required + '</p>';	
		if (honeypot != 'http://') {
			valid += '<p>Spambots are not allowed.</p>';	
		if (humanCheck != '') {
			valid += '<p>A human user' + required + '</p>';	

	// let the user know if there are erros with the form

		if (valid != '') {

			$('form #response').removeClass().addClass('error')
				.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
					'<strong>Please correct the errors below.</strong>' + '</div>'
			if (nameResponse != '') {
					$('form #nameResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							nameResponse + '</div>'
			if (addressResponse != '') {
					$('form #addressResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							addressResponse + '</div>'
			if (cityResponse != '') {
					$('form #cityResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							cityResponse + '</div>'
			if (stateResponse != '') {
					$('form #stateResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							stateResponse + '</div>'
			if (zipResponse != '') {
					$('form #zipResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							zipResponse + '</div>'
			if (phoneResponse != '') {
					$('form #phoneResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							phoneResponse + '</div>'
			if (yearResponse != '') {
					$('form #yearResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							yearResponse + '</div>'
			if (makeResponse != '') {
					$('form #makeResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							makeResponse + '</div>'
			if (modelResponse != '') {
					$('form #modelResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							modelResponse + '</div>'
			if (bodyStyleResponse != '') {
					$('form #addressResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							bodyStyleResponse + '</div>'
			if (vinResponse != '') {
					$('form #vinResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							vinResponse + '</div>'
			if (damagedGlassResponse != '') {
					$('form #damagedGlassResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							damagedGlassResponse + '</div>'
			if (insCompanyResponse != '') {
					$('form #insCompanyResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							insCompanyResponse + '</div>'
			if (agencyResponse != '') {
					$('form #agencyResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							agencyResponse + '</div>'
			if (policyResponse != '') {
					$('form #policyResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							policyResponse + '</div>'
			if (sentByResponse != '') {
					$('form #sentByResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							sentByResponse + '</div>'
			if (compCoverageResponse != '') {
					$('form #compCoverageResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							compCoverageResponse + '</div>'
			if (deductibleResponse != '') {
					$('form #deductibleResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							deductibleResponse + '</div>'
			if (dateOfResponse != '') {
					$('form #dateOfResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							dateOfResponse + '</div>'
			if (causeOfResponse != '') {
					$('form #causeOfResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							causeOfResponse + '</div>'
			if (replyEmailResponse != '') {
					$('form #replyEmailResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							replyEmailResponse + '</div>'
			if (specialInstructionsResponse != '') {
					$('form #specialInstructionsResponse').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">'+
							specialInstructionsResponse + '</div>'
		// let the user know something is happening behind the scenes
		// serialize the form data and send to our ajax function
		else {

			$('form #response').removeClass().addClass('processing').html('Processing...').fadeIn('fast');										

			var formData = $('form').serialize();



function submitForm(formData) {
		type:			'POST',
		url:			'php/feedback.php',
		data:			formData,
		dataType:	'json',
		cache:		false,
		timeout:	7000,
		function(data) {
			//we are getting data.error (from ajax, which is formData) and data.msg from our feedback.php
			$('form #response').removeClass().addClass((data.error === true) ? 'error':'success')
			if ($('form #response').hasClass('success')) {
				setTimeout ("$('form #response').fadeOut('fast')",5000);
		function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
			$('form #response').removeClass().addClass('error')
						.html('<div class="alert alert-danger">' +
							'<p>There was an <strong>' + errorThrown + 
									'</strong> error due to a <strong>' + textStatus +
										'</strong> condition.</p>' +
		complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, status) {
			$('form') [0].reset();

and the PHP:

//Sanitize incoming data and store in variable

//customer info
$name = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['cusName'])));	  		
$address = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['cusAddress'])));
$city = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['city'])));
$state = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['state'])));
$zip = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['zip'])));
$homePhone = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['homePhone'])));
$homePhoneLink = preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $homePhone);
$workPhone = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['workPhone'])));
$workPhoneLink = preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $workPhone);
$cellPhone = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['cellPhone'])));
$cellPhoneLink = preg_replace('/\\D+/', '', $cellPhone);

//vehicle info
$year = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['year'])));
$make = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['make'])));
$model = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['model'])));
$bodyStyle = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['bodyStyle'])));
$vin = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['vin'])));
$damagedGlass = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['damagedGlass'])));

//insurance info
$insCompany = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['insCompany'])));
$agency = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['agency'])));
$policy = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['policy'])));
$sentBy = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['sentBy'])));
$compCoverage = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['compCoverage'])));
$deductible = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['deductible'])));
$dateOfLoss = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['dateOfLoss'])));
$causeOfLoss = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['causeOfLoss'])));
$replyEmail = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['replyEmail'])));
$specialInstructions = trim(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['specialInstructions'])));

//spam filters
$humancheck = $_POST['humancheck'];
$honeypot = $_POST['honeypot'];

if ($honeypot == 'http://' && empty($humancheck)) {	
		//Validate data and return success or error message
		$error_message = '';	
		$reg_exp = "/^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z.]{2,4}$/";
		if (empty($name)) {
				    $error_message .= "<p>Customer name is required.</p>";			   
		if (empty($address)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Customer address is required.</p>";
		if (empty($city)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Customer city is required.</p>";
		if (empty($state)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Customer state is required.</p>";
		if (empty($zip)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Customer zip is required.</p>";
		if (empty($homePhone) || empty($workPhone) || empty($cellPhone)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Please provide at least one phone number for the customer.</p>";
		if (empty($year)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle year is required.</p>";
		if (empty($make)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle make is required.</p>";
		if (empty($model)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle model is required.</p>";
		if (empty($bodyStyle)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle body style is required.</p>";
		if (empty($vin)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle VIN number is required.</p>";
		if (empty($damagedGlass)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Vehicle\\'s damaged glass is required.</p>";
		if (empty($insCompany)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Insurance company is required.</p>";
		if (empty($agency)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Insurance agency is required.</p>";
		if (empty($policy)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Policy number is required.</p>";
		if (empty($sentBy)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>The \\"sent by\\" field is required.</p>";
		if (empty($compCoverage)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Comp Coverage is required.</p>";
		if (empty($deductible)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Deductible ammount is required.</p>";
		if (empty($dateOfLoss)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Date of loss is required.</p>";
		if (empty($causeOfLoss)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>Cause of loss is required.</p>";
		if (!preg_match($reg_exp, $replyEmail)) {
					$error_message .= "<p>A valid reply email address is required.</p>";			   
		if (!empty($error_message)) {
					$return['error'] = true;
					$return['msg'] = '<div class="alert alert-danger">'."<h4>Oops! The request was successful but your form is not filled out correctly.</h4>".$error_message;					
					echo json_encode($return);
		else {
			//mail variables
			$to =				'';
			$from = $_POST['replyEmail'];
			$headers =	'From: '.$from."\\r\
			$headers .=	'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\\r\
			$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\\r\
			$subject = 	"Glass Referral From Website\
			$body = 		'<h4>Customer Information</h4>';
			$body .=		'<p>Name:   '.$name."<br />";
			$body .=		'Address:	'.$address.'; '.$city.', '.$state.' '.$zip.'<br />';
			if(isset ($homePhone) && $homePhone != '') {
				$body .=	'Home Phone: '.'<a href="tel:+1'.$homePhoneLink.'">'.$homePhone."</a><br />";
			if(isset ($workPhone) && $workPhone != '') {
				$body .=	'Work Phone: '.'<a href="tel:+1'.$workPhoneLink.'">'.$workPhone."</a><br />";
			if(isset ($cellPhone) && $cellPhone != '') {
				$body .=	'Cell Phone: '.'<a href="tel:+1'.$cellPhoneLink.'">'.$cellPhone."</a><br />";
			$body .=		'</p>';
			$body .=		'<h4>Vehicle Information</h4>';
			$body .=		'Year:	'.$year.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Make:	'.$make.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Model:	'.$model.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Body Style:	'.$bodyStyle.'<br />';
			$body .=		'VIN:	'.$vin.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Damaged Glass:	'.$damagedGlass.'</p>';
			$body .=		'<h4>Insurance Information</h4>';
			$body .=		'Ins. Company:	'.$insCompany.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Agency:	'.$agency.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Policy #'.$policy.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Sent By:	'.$sentBy.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Comp Coverage:	'.$compCoverage.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Deductible:	'.$deductible.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Date of Loss:	'.$dateOfLoss.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Cause of Loss:	'.$causeOfLoss.'<br />';
			$body .=		'Reply Email:	<a href="mailto:'.$replyEmail.'">'.$replyEmail.'</a><br />';
			$body .=		'Special Instructions:	'.$specialInstructions.'</p>';
			//send email and return a message to user
			if(mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {	
				$return['error'] = false;
				$return['msg'] = 
					'<div class="alert alert-success">'.
						"<h4>Thank you for using our form ".$sentBy ."</h4>".
						"<p>We'll reply to you at ".$email." as soon as we can.</p>";
						echo json_encode($return);
			else {
				$return['error'] = true;
				$return['msg'] = "<h4>Oops! There was a problem sending the email. Please try again.</h4>";	
				echo json_encode($return);

else {
	$return['error'] = true;
	$return['msg'] = "<h4>Oops! There was a problem with your submission. Please try again.</h4>";	
	echo json_encode($return);

Being that i’m still a javascript noob, i’m not sure where i should add that logic in… any suggestions?

Thanks again in advance,


I’ve tried to solve this issue by adding

 onsubmit="$('form #response').focus()"

to the form, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Is there a better way to force the #response div to get focus when the form is submitted?