Posts on Social Media

Hello everyone, I just want to know that how to make our social media posts more interactive. Please share your views. I will appreciate your innovative ideas.

To make your posts in social media interactive, you have to post something that is updated or what is trending. You can also create your post in a question form where you can stir the interests of users. What is important in social media is that you have to know your target users and put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself, what topic would interest you and will make you interact and know further about that certain topic.

Make your social media more interactive by posting images. Ask some questions from your followers/audience about a certain topic that is interesting or trending. Know your target and know the preferences of your audience.

They should be interesting and eye catching.
Do not post pictures that are irritating to the eyes – nobody would like to see this and put you in their ignore list instead.

Target your audience according to their preferences. Put actual or on-time photos too! (for example: do not put photos of dinner meals in the evening)

Hope for the best in your business. Good luck!

Following things makes your post more effective.
Use trending hash tags for more presence.
Post bio should be short and easy.
Use tiny URL instead of complete Link.

Understand timing. I find that using hashtags that are the most relevant + posting at the right time is the best. Tools I use for this are Buffer, Rite Tag, and Social Bro. Though, that is just on Twitter.

Asking open ended questions is great,especially if they evoke a positive emotional response in your audience. You want something for which someone would have an opinion on without telling them what the right answer should be. Let them paint their own point of view onto it. Let the community own it.

I find that language helps a lot. Many companies talk in “we” or the third person, or business speak. Short, but clear, works well. Think of it as if you are talking to a close friend. Using I and you is much better than a we. If you feel uncomfortable (you have multiple people running the accounts) then you can sign your name to make it more personal.

Make a interactive post on social media is not hard. Your post should be user friendly, you can use any pictures and videos for better understanding.

few steps can take for effective post.

  1. good image,
    3.ask question
    4.attractive article.
    5.try to help people when running campaign.

Thanks everyone

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