Potential of a financial literacy website like teachmefinance.com


I would like to know what educational website on the lines of teachmefinance.com or moneychimp.com .

Few years back tutorial websites were hot property , is that the case now as well.

I would like to make a tutorials site on finance cause thats the only thing I know.

Thanks for reading this :slight_smile:

Would there be a specific format to these tutorials? Are you targeting total financial incompetence, expertise, or both? The key thing here is to be unique in how itā€™s presented. Especially if youā€™re focusing on those who are relatively new to finance you donā€™t want a stale, run-of-the-mill type of format. You want to apply an engaging technique (i.e. ā€œThe Midas of Numbers - Turning Your Knowledge of Finance Into Gold!ā€).

Then you can build a couple of different e-books under that brand and promote them with affiliate programs like Clickbank. We have a number of e-book authors who apply CPA offers to help monetize their product on a ā€œfreemiumā€ format. Tons of options out there for you.

Thank You for your reply.

I do understand and want the USP of my site to be ā€˜simplification of finance as much as possibleā€™ , however I was only wondering what is the earning potential of a finance niche site.

It is a broad niche and you can find millions of sites like that and I have been told that entertainment sites are useless no matter how popular they are.