Prevent more the 1 click on a button untill the submision is complete

I am ussing a custom webshop for my private server.
The webshop wasn`t made by me.
I recent discovered a bug that when the users confirms the purchase if they press fast the YES button they will recieve the item more then once.

Now here is the whole script that does the confirmations.
I will highlight the buttond that i am speaking about.

echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >';
echo '<HTML><HEAD>';
echo '<title>CABAL Online - The Revolution of Action</title> ';
echo '<meta content="JavaScript" name="vs_defaultClientScript">';
echo '<link title="style" href="./shopstyle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">';	
echo '</HEAD>';
echo '<body bgcolor="#000000;" onLoad="setTimeout(\\'loaded()\\',500)" id="default">';

if (!is_numeric($v1)) die('Hack attempt');
if (!ctype_alnum($v2)) die('Hack attempt');
if (isset($_REQUEST['cd'])) {
  if (!ctype_digit($item)) $item=0;
if (isset($_REQUEST['co'])) {
  if (!ctype_digit($confirm)) $confirm=0;

  $link = mssql_pconnect(DB_ADDR, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
$r=query_db('select * from '.DB_GAM.'.dbo.cabal_character_table where CharacterIdx between '.$v1.' * 8 and '.$v1.' * 8 + 5 and nation=3');
if (mssql_num_rows($r)>0) $is_gm=true;  
if (MAINTMODE==true and $is_gm==false) die ('Maintenance mode is active.');

if ($confirm>0 && $item==0) {
  if (!$link) die('Could not connect to MSSQL database.');
  $q="select * from ".DB_ACC.".dbo.cabal_auth_table where UserNum='".$v1."'and AuthKey='".$v2."'";
  if (IPVALIDATION==true) $q=$q." and LastIp='".$ip."'";  
  $row = mssql_fetch_row($r);
  $r=query_db("exec ".DB_CSH.".dbo.getbankalz '".$v1."'");
  $row = mssql_fetch_row($r);
  $r=query_db("select * from ".DB_CSH.".dbo.ShopItems where Id='".$confirm."' and Available>0");
  if (mssql_num_rows($r)==0) {
	  error_box('Purchase failed','Not enough items left in the shop.');
  } else {
    $row = mssql_fetch_row($r);
    if ($alz<$price) {
      error_box('Error','You do not have enough Coins to purchase the item');
    } else {
      hardlog('Item purchased: '.$itemidx.','.$durationidx.','.$itemopt.','.$price.','.$available.' ('.$alz.'/'.$newalz.')');
      $r=query_db("update ".DB_CSH.".dbo.ShopItems set Available='".$newavailable."' where Id='".$row[0]."'");
      $r=query_db("exec ".DB_CSH.".dbo.setbankalz '".$v1."','".$newalz."'");
      $r=query_db("exec ".DB_CCA.".dbo.up_addmycashitem '".$v1."','1','".SVR_IDX."','".$itemidx."','".$itemopt."','".$durationidx."'");
      error_box('Purchase successful','The item was successfully. You can claim the cash item by closing the cash shop.');
} elseif ($item>0 && $confirm==0) {
  $r=query_db("select * from ".DB_CSH.".dbo.ShopItems where Id='".$item."' and Available>0");
  if (mssql_num_rows($r)==0) {
	  error_box('Purchase failed','Not enough items left in the shop.');
  } else {
    echo '<DIV id=wrapper style="DISPLAY: none">';

    echo '<TABLE height="100%" width="100%">';
    echo '<TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle>';
      echo '<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY>';
      echo '<TR><TD width=35><IMG height=40 src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_01.png" width=35></TD>';
      echo '<TD class=white style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 5px" vAlign=top align=middle background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_02.png"><STRONG>Are you sure?</STRONG></TD>';
      echo '<TD width=35><IMG height=40 src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_03.png" width=35></TD></TR>';
      echo '<TR>';
      echo '<TD background="images/left.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
      echo '<TD class=orange style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px" align=middle width=200 background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_05.png" height=50><STRONG><SPAN style="WIDTH: 280px">Please confirm you wish to buy the selected item.</SPAN></STRONG></TD>';
      echo '<TD background="images/right.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
      echo '</TR>';
      echo '<TR>';
      echo '<TD background="images/left.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
      echo '<TD class=orange style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px" align=middle background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_05.png" height=20>';
      echo '<IMG style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick="javscript:location.href=\\'./buy.php?v1='.$v1.'&v2='.$v2.'&co='.$item.'\\'" alt="Confirm purchase" src="images/Btn_Yes.png" border=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
      echo '<IMG style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick="javscript:location.href=\\'./webshop.php?v1='.$v1.'&v2='.$v2.'\\'" alt="Cancel purchase" src="images/Btn_No.png" border=0>';
      echo '</TD>';
      echo '<TD background="images/right.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
      echo '</TR>';
      echo '<TR>';
      echo '<TD><IMG src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_07.png" width=35></TD>';
      echo '<TD background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_08.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
      echo '<TD><IMG src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_09.png" width=35></TD>';
      echo '</TR></TBODY>';
      echo '</TABLE>';
    echo '</TD></TR></TBODY>';
    echo '</TABLE>';

    echo '</DIV>';

} else {
error_box('Uh oh','An error has occurred.');		

echo '<table width="100%" height="100%"  align="center" id="loading">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="center" valign="middle">';
echo '<table bgcolor="#666666" cellspacing="9" border="1" width="250" height="60">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="center">';
echo '<font size="2" color="#eeeeee">Loading...</font>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
echo '<marquee direction="right" width="250" scrollamount="8">';
echo '<table width="250" height="5" bgcolor="white">';
echo '<tr><td><p></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</marquee>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';

function error_box($title,$msg) {
  global $v1, $v2;
  echo '<DIV id=wrapper style="DISPLAY: none">';
  echo '<TABLE height="100%" width="100%">';
  echo '<TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle>';
    echo '<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY>';
    echo '<TR><TD width=35><IMG height=40 src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_01.png" width=35></TD>';
    echo '<TD class=white style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 5px" vAlign=top align=middle background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_02.png"><STRONG>'.$title.'</STRONG></TD>';
    echo '<TD width=35><IMG height=40 src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_03.png" width=35></TD></TR>';
    echo '<TR>';
    echo '<TD background="images/left.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
    echo '<TD class=orange style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px" align=middle width=200 background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_05.png" height=50><STRONG><SPAN style="WIDTH: 280px">'.$msg.'</SPAN></STRONG></TD>';
    echo '<TD background="images/right.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
    echo '</TR>';
    echo '<TR>';
    echo '<TD background="images/left.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
    echo '<TD class=orange style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 20px; PADDING-TOP: 20px" align=middle background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_05.png" height=20>';
    echo '<IMG style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick="javscript:location.href=\\'./webshop.php?v1='.$v1.'&v2='.$v2.'\\'" alt="Close" src="images/Btn_close.png" border=0>';
    echo '</TD>';
    echo '<TD background="images/right.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
    echo '</TR>';
    echo '<TR>';
    echo '<TD><IMG src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_07.png" width=35></TD>';
    echo '<TD background="images/Item_Game_Box_s_08.png">&nbsp;</TD>';
    echo '<TD><IMG src="images/Item_Game_Box_s_09.png" width=35></TD>';
    echo '</TR></TBODY>';
    echo '</TABLE>';
  echo '</TD></TR></TBODY>';
  echo '</TABLE>';
  echo '</DIV>';			

function query_db($query,$caller='unknown') {
  global $link;
  return $r;

function hardlog($text) {
  if (is_writable('hardlog.txt')) {
    if (!$h=fopen('hardlog.txt','a')) {
      die('Error opening hardlog.txt file, check permissions.');
    if (fwrite($h,"[".date("H:i:s G:i:s")."] [".date("d/m/y")."]".$text."\
")===false) {
      die('Error writing to hardlog.txt, check permissions.');
  } else {
    die('Error, hardlog.txt is not writable.');


document.body.scroll = "no";

function loaded() 
	setTimeout = 'none'; = '';


This is the part i want to fix.

echo ‘<IMG style=“CURSOR: pointer” onclick="javscript:location.href=\’./buy.php?v1=‘.$v1.’&v2=‘.$v2.’&co=‘.$item.’\'" alt=“Confirm purchase” src=“images/Btn_Yes.png” border=0>      ';

How do you guys suggest me to prevent users pressing more then once that button?Until the page is submited
Thank you.

Unless I’m missing something, shouldn’t there be a <form> tag in there somewhere?

If you attempt to disable the submit button using JavaScript, you will still be stung when people don’t have javascript enabled.
Do not rely on JavaScript for business logic.

You can easily remedy your situation by providing a transaction id with the form, which it submits. If a transaction has already been processed, it can be safely ignored.