Preventing LEFT JOIN from returning multiple rows on right side

This is a query that returns the students registered for a course, and
identifies those who are marked as “arrived” based on their
accommodation (room at the retreat). However, some students may have
more than one accommodation (because they are going to move from one
room to another during their stay). In my left join query, the query
correctly returns a row if there is no match on the right side, but it
returns multiple rows if there is more than one match on the right side.
DISTINCT and GROUP BY can’t be used on the right side. What I need is
for the query to return one row for a match on the left side, regardless
of if or how many matches there are on the right side.

Thanks for any help.

 A.student_id, A.invoice_date, A.invoice_set, A.last_name, A.first_name,
 A.addon_last_name, A.addon_first_name, A.gender, B.arrived, 
B.invoice_id AS arrived_invoice_id, A.invoice_id FROM (SELECT * FROM 
students.student_id, invoice_date, invoice_set, invoice_id, last_name, 
first_name, addon_last_name, addon_first_name, invoice.gender FROM 
invoice, students WHERE product_id = '$course_id' AND product_type = 
'COURSE' AND commit_invoice='1' AND 
students.student_id=invoice.student_id)A LEFT JOIN invoice AS B ON 
A.student_id=B.student_id AND A.invoice_set=B.invoice_set AND 
((A.addon_last_name=B.addon_last_name AND 
A.addon_first_name=B.addon_first_name) OR (A.addon_last_name IS NULL AND
 B.addon_last_name IS NULL)) AND B.product_type='LODGING' AND 
B.commit_invoice='1'  ORDER BY A.invoice_date DESC

first of all, that query won’t run

your “A” subquery begins …SELECT * FROM students.student_id, invoice_date, invoice_set,

as to your question, which one would you like? you have to be able to identify the row from the right table that you want returned, based on some value in some column(s)

Thank you. Yes, I didn’t see that I had two from clauses in the query I posted before (don’t know when that snuck in there), but the issue hasn’t changed.

you have to be able to identify the row from the right table that you want returned

In most cases the query would return one row on the right to one row on the left. In situations where it returns more than one on the right, I don’t care which one is returned, so what I really want to do is apply a LIMIT 1 to the right side, but when I have tried adding LIMIT 1, it applies it to left and right, returning a total of one rows, which is not what I want. There is nothing I can apply GROUP BY to on the right side. So really, the solution I am hoping for is a way to add a LIMIT 1 to the right side.


$sql=$dbh->prepare("SELECT A.student_id, A.invoice_date, A.invoice_set, A.last_name, A.first_name, A.addon_last_name, A.addon_first_name, A.gender, B.arrived, B.invoice_id AS arrived_invoice_id, A.invoice_id FROM (SELECT students.student_id, invoice_date, invoice_set, invoice_id, last_name, first_name, addon_last_name, addon_first_name, invoice.gender FROM invoice, students WHERE product_id = ‘$course_id’ AND product_type = ‘COURSE’ AND commit_invoice=‘1’ AND students.student_id=invoice.student_id)A LEFT JOIN invoice AS B ON A.student_id=B.student_id AND A.invoice_set=B.invoice_set AND ((A.addon_last_name=B.addon_last_name AND A.addon_first_name=B.addon_first_name) OR (A.addon_last_name IS NULL AND B.addon_last_name IS NULL)) AND B.product_type=‘LODGING’ AND B.commit_invoice=‘1’ ORDER BY A.invoice_date DESC ");

SELECT A.student_id , A.invoice_date , A.invoice_set , A.last_name , A.first_name , A.addon_last_name , A.addon_first_name , A.gender , B.arrived , B.invoice_id AS arrived_invoice_id , A.invoice_id FROM ( SELECT students.student_id , invoice_date , invoice_set , invoice_id , last_name , first_name , addon_last_name , addon_first_name , invoice.gender FROM invoice , students WHERE product_id = '$course_id' AND product_type = 'COURSE' AND commit_invoice='1' AND students.student_id=invoice.student_id ) A LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT student_id , invoice_set , addon_last_name , addon_first_name , MAX(invoice_id) AS latest FROM invoice WHERE product_type='LODGING' AND commit_invoice='1' GROUP BY student_id , invoice_set , addon_last_name , addon_first_name ) AS M ON M.student_id = A.student_id AND M.invoice_set = A.invoice_set AND ( ( M.addon_last_name = A.addon_last_name AND M.addon_first_name = A.addon_first_name ) OR ( M.addon_last_name IS NULL AND A.addon_last_name IS NULL ) ) LEFT OUTER JOIN invoice AS B ON B.invoice_id = M.latest ORDER BY A.invoice_date DESC

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You nailed it. Thanks so much for your time.

you’re welcome

do me a favour? never, ever write a query without spacing and line breaks again :smiley: