Printing next date within an array


Im a complete novice when it comes to php but im trying to print the next date within an array. I have the following code but im not sure im anywhere near:

<?php function get_next_dressdown() {
// Dress Down Days
$dress = array(
$current = time()
if ($dress>=$current) {
echo date(“d<\s\u\p>S</\s\u\p> F Y”,$dress);

Anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?



A couple of things to note:

  • The dates in the array aren’t really in a viable format to be compared to the current time. It’d be better if they were in a timestamp format, i.e. an integer storing the amount of seconds elapsed since 1st Jan 1970. So when you’re comparing them, use mktime() to get the date in the array as a number. Then use the time() function to get the current timestamp to compare.
  • You’re trying to compare the whole array with the current time - so use a loop to compare each value - foreach with a break to stop it when it’s found a suitable date.

Hi Jake,

Thanks for the info so am i along the right lines with this:

// Dress Down Days
$dress = array(
$date = date( “d/m/Y”, time() );
foreach ($dress as $value >= $date) {
echo date(“d<\s\u\p>S</\s\u\p> F Y”,$date);

Kind of. I’ll give you a hand :stuck_out_tongue:

function get_next_dressdown(){
	$dress = array(
	$currentTime = time();
	foreach ($dress as $date){
		$dateParts = explode('/', $date);
		$dressTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dateParts[1], $dateParts[0], $dateParts[2]);
		if($dressTime > $currentTime){
			return $dressTime;
	return false;

The way you’d use this:

$nextDate = get_next_dressdown();
if($nextDate === false){
    echo 'No more dressdowns';
    echo 'Next dressdown: ', date("d<\\s\\u\\p>S</\\s\\u\\p> F Y", $nextDate);

Thanks Jake you are a legend. Wasnt even close!! :-p

On a seperate matter my rss feeds have stopped showing. Ive checked that the rss feeds are up and they are. Could you take a look at this for me and see if you can see anything obvious:

<p id=“weather”><?php
$rs = $rss->get(‘’);
echo “<b>Today’s Weather</b><br /><span class=‘indent’>”;

$desc = explode(“<br />”,str_replace(“<BR />”,“<br />”,$rs[‘items’][0][‘description’]));
echo str_replace(“<img”,“<img alt=‘’”,$desc[0]);
echo str_replace(“,”,“<br />”,$desc[2]);
echo “</span>”;

Last one i promise :slight_smile: