Probably simple


I have a slight problem (mostly my brain has stopped working!). All I’m trying to do is have an image which the border is added on click, and removes the border onclick again.

<img src=\\"".$targetPath.$file."\\" ".imageResize($mysock[0], $mysock[1], 150)." border=\\"0\\" onClick=\\"'3px solid #e25e00';\\">

That works fine, but how can I change it back on another click?


Move the change off to a CSS style, so that you only need to run a function to toggle that class name.

.active {
    border: 3px solid #e25e00;

"... onClick=\\"toggleBorder(this);\\">

function toggleBorder(link) {
    if (link.className === 'active') {
        link.className = '';
    } else {
        link.className = 'active';

That worked great. Thanks, much appreciated.