Problem Loading Page: The connection has timed out

I have a Joomla site on a testing server that works perfectly and I’m trying to transition it over to a company’s personal intranet server. When I’ve tried, I continuously experience the dreaded ‘Problem Loading Page: The Connection Has Timed Out’ error message.

We’ve changed the max_execution_time from 30 1200 (didn’t make any difference).

Some other specs:
It’s on port 8000. The firewall translates the IP to the correct port on the server inside the network.
System Windows NT WVGSSERVER 6.0 build 6002
Server API Apache 2.0 Handler

I’m not sure what other tests or configurations to change to get this puppy rolling correctly.

Any information would be helpful!

This could be a few things - maybe some kind of recursive loop just going round in circles or perhaps a server config isse - perhaps a firewall issue? Have you
checked the php logs to see if there is any info there?

Connection has timed out could be any one of a number of things, including teh router / firewall not forwarding correctly.

One simple test, is to try accessing a static resouce from the server - a html file or a graphic. If that fails, you need to check into the server’s firewall or the network one - something isn’t being routed properly.

If they are coming back, then the server and php would be the place to look.

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It’s may happened due to slow internet connection…re try

might be a network issue? sever’s lagging or somthing

might be of two reason,s either you internet speed is slow or your server is overloaded.