Problem when going to Fullscreen mode with video player

Hi, I have a test website here:

The problem when viewing from Safari (im in version 6) is that when I click to go fullscreen (besides the video quality is not intented for fullscreen), when I go fullscreen and back, a black screen appears and takes me out of the virtual tour.

Im trying to either fix this and be able to get back to the tour, or disable the fullscreen button on the player, or eliminate the fullscreen icon from the player. Whichever I can do first.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance! Ive been pulling my hair for so many hours now trying to figure it out.

I think ive found out it has to do with the <video> tag inside an iframe. Theres some code missing about parent size when exiting fullscreen modeā€¦ and getting back to parent document, which i havnt been able to figure out.

anyone? :frowning: