Problem With Google Disavow Link Tool?

I have a problem, with Disavow link tool,
To get rid of from Google updates, i am trying disavow spam links pointing to my site…!
In that matter , i just list out the all the spam links from webmaster tools. At last i reach to submit my spam links txt file to disavow tool.,!

Hear is the problem,
->I don’t where the updated file is considered or not…! Bcoz i didn’t get any message form Google…
-> If Google will not give any update on it,then when we came to know those links are disavowed by Google(time)
-> I dont know will really Google ignore those spam links to my site.
Does any one have any experience with please resovle my problem ,
Thanks in Advance …

My site name: <snip>

This is a tool that you only should use when you have received a notifation from Google saying that they have detected suspicious activity in your links exchange.

This tool is not a life saver, and it will not miracle help you to build ranking even if it looks like it. The tool should be used to get rid of those links that harm your site, of course… but if not used properly you may also get rid of the good links. So it can damage your ranking big time if you use it the wrong way.

That’s why it should only be used when Google tells you where the problem is and therefore you can manually get rid of it.

[FONT=verdana]Molona has answered two of your questions. You also asked about how long it takes and how you’ll know when the links have been disavowed.

I have a little experience with this tool. In my case, it took ten weeks to take effect. I didn’t get any sort of acknowledgement from Google, and no notification of its effect. But I did see the links that I disavowed disappear from the relevant page in Google Webmaster Tools. Since then there’s been a small improvement in the site’s ranking, but I’ve no way of knowing if that was because of the disavowel or one of several other factors that might have affected it.

I agree with Molona that the tool is not a life-saver. You should only use if you have received a spammy links notification, and even then don’t expect too much good to come of it.
