Problem with multiple JQuery plugins

Hi there…

I am very new to JQuery and I honestly dont know much about JavaScript programming either.
I have set up this website and in it I use 2 plug ins:

  1. A scrollbar plugin (jquery custom content scroller)
  2. easy slider (Easy Slider 1.7)

The scrollbar plugin worked just fine but when I tied in the JQuery for easy slide, the scrollbar plugin stoped working.
I am pretty sure that the problem is related to the 2 different JQuery versions that I try to bind in, or is it?.
Well - since I dont have much knowledge of this type of stuff any beginner-friendly advice would be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank you

well fellas …
the easy way out turns out to be deleting

<script type="text/javascript" src="include/jquery.js"></script>

from my head section.
It works now although im a bit sad not to have learned a twist or two (:

so long…