Problem with query RollUp

Hi there, I need your appreciated help.

My incorrect output:

DRT	P > 16.5 	P <= 16.5 	tot ve	tot an	tot pi	tot	% pi	% tr
I	115		91		206	99	25	124	20	60
M	212		782		994	632	150	782	19	79
O	301		891		1192	544	345	889	39	75
S	74		101		175	87	34	121	28	69
S	702		1865		2567	1362	554	1916	29	75

I need this output:

DRT	P > 16.5 	P <= 16.5 	tot ve	tot an	tot pi	tot	% pi	% tr
I	115		91		206	99	25	124	20	60
M	212		782		994	632	150	782	19	79
O	301		891		1192	544	345	889	39	75
S	74		101		175	87	34	121	28	69
Tot	702		1865		2567	1362	554	1916	29	75

In the last row don’t have the field name Tot but S (last DRT) why?
Can you help me?

My query:

          COALESCE(Left(Zn,2),'Tot') DRT
       , `P > 16.5`
       , `P <= 16.5`
       , `tot ve`
       , `tot an`
       , `tot pi`
       , (`tot an`+`tot pi`) `tot`
       , FORMAT((`tot pi`/(`tot an`+`tot pi`))*100,0) `% pi`
       , FORMAT(((`tot an` + `tot pi`)/`tot ve`)*100,0) `% tr`
  , COUNT(*) 'tot ve' 
  , SUM(IF(p &gt; 16.5, 1, 0)) 'P &gt; 16.5'
  , SUM(IF(p &lt;= 16.5, 1, 0)) 'P &lt;= 16.5'
  , SUM(IF(AN='S', 1, 0)) 'tot an'
  , SUM(IF(PI='S', 1, 0)) 'tot pi'
  , '% pi'
  , '% tr'
        FROM tbl_q
        WHERE 1 
        GROUP BY Left(Zn,2) WITH ROLLUP) x;

Time: 0.016ms

I need relax… :smiley:

         COALESCE(DRT,'Tot') `DRT`

    LEFT(Zn,2) 'DRT'

was this a question? i thought you had solved your own problem…

I’m sorry Rudy, it was my mistake and I don’t not remove this question/error …