Problem with retrieving data


I’ll put my function first:

function myFunction($options = false){
		$q = "
				".DB_PREFIX."ticket t 
					".DB_PREFIX."ticket_c c 
					c.ticketID = t.ticketID 
			WHERE t.requesterID = '".$ID."'
				c.commentDate DESC
		$result = $this->query($q);
		while($row = $this->fetch_assoc($result)){
			$rows[] = $this->makeTicketRow($row);
		return '
			<table id="ticketTable">
						<td>Date Opened</td>
					'.@implode('', $rows).'

The problem I’m basically having is that all data is returned fine, but the ticketID as used to join the tables is only returned for the first row. All other data is perfect. I’m new to JOINing tables so I’m not sure if that’s where I’m going wrong?

Any help would be great.


You’re using this inside an object? Show us the definitions for query, fetch_assoc and makeTicketRow.


function getTicketStatusClass($TicketStatusID){
			case 1;
				return 'awaiting';
			case 2;
				return 'received';
			case 3;
				return 'closed';
function getTicketOptions($TicketStatusID, $TicketID){
			case 1;
				return '
					<a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$TicketID.'/?status=3">
						<img src="'.URL_IMG_SYSTEM.'close.png" title="Close Ticket" />
			case 2;
				return '
					<a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$TicketID.'/?status=3">
						<img src="'.URL_IMG_SYSTEM.'close.png" title="Close Ticket" />
			case 3;
				return '
					<a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$TicketID.'/?status=2">
						<img src="'.URL_IMG_SYSTEM.'open.png" title="Re-open Ticket" />

function makeTicketRow($row){
		return '
				<td><div class="ticketStatus '.$this->getTicketStatusClass($row['ticketStatus']).'">&nbsp;</div></td>
				<td><a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$row['ticketID'].'/">'.$row['ticketID'].'</a></td>
				<td>'.$this->htmlspecialchars($row['ticketCategory']) . '</td>
				<td><a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$row['ticketID'].'/">'.$row['ticketTitle'].'</a></td>
				<td>'.date('F j, Y, g:i a', $row['ticketDate']).'</td>
				<td class="ticketOptions"><a href="'.URL.'view-ticket/'.$row['ticketID'].'/">
						<img src="'.URL_IMG_SYSTEM.'view.png" title="View Ticket" />
					'.$this->getTicketOptions($row['ticketStatus'], $row['ticketID']).'

//query and fetch_assoc tried and tested working site-wide:

public function fetch_assoc($result){
		if(!$result) $this->dbError('Empty MySQL resource.');
		$data = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
		if($data) return $this->stripslashes_deep($data);
		else return false;

public function query($q){
		if(empty($q)) $this->dbError('Empty MySQL Query.');
		if($this->linkID == 0) $this->connect();
		$temp = @mysql_query($q, $this->linkID);
		if(!$temp) $this->dbError('Invalid Query : '.mysql_error().'<br />'.$q);
		return $temp;


WHERE t.requesterID = ‘“.$ID.”’

Where is $ID being filled in? I dont see it in your function definition…(should be passed as a parameter…)

Sorry that’s was to save the detective work :blush:
It’s actually: ‘“.$this->escape_string($this->getUserID()).”’

echo’d the query and it’s fine in that sense. I can provide a screenshot of the output to show what I mean.

As you can see, there is no ID for any other row than the first. The links support this.

Okay so the query is returning 3 rows of data - it’s just not showing you an ID for the other two rows (It IS however returning a title for each). This is good information to have.

Stupid question i’m sure, but… do those other two rows have ID #'s?

Not stupid at all, in fact you just gave me the answer! Thanks. The other 2 don’t have any links to the second table ticket_c. Now the problem I have is, the rows in ticket won’t have any data in ticket_c until somebody adds a comment.

Is there a was to still show the rows IDs regardless of the data in title_c, as that is only required if there is any comments? The alternative is to not have any links or IDs on that row until it has been answered and a comment added.

I don’t use JOINs often :blush:


Not sure if this will work, but try this instead for your query:

    $q = "
            ".DB_PREFIX."ticket t 
            LEFT JOIN 
                ".DB_PREFIX."ticket_c c 
                c.ticketID = t.ticketID 
        WHERE t.requesterID = '".$ID."'
        ORDER BY 
            c.commentDate DESC

That worked great! Thanks StarLion, you’ve been a great help.

Something’s nagging me about that…

I want to say it should instead be…
$q = "
".DB_PREFIX."ticket t

            LEFT JOIN 
                (SELECT ticketID,commentDate FROM ".DB_PREFIX."ticket_c GROUP BY ticketID ORDER BY commentDate DESC ) AS c
                c.ticketID = t.ticketID 
        WHERE t.requesterID = '".$ID."'
        ORDER BY 
            c.commentDate DESC

Because you only want each ticket to show up ONCE, right?

EDIT: no, i’m being paranoid now. Left join will make sure each only shows up once.

the problem with “ticketId” only showing a value for the first row is easy to understand once you know what’s causing it

it is the dreaded, evil “select star” and you were warned not to use it

SELECT * will return all columns from all tables in the FROM clause

so the query result set actually has two columns called tickedId, the first one from the first table, t, and the second one from the second table, t_c

and since it’s a LEFT OUTER JOIN, the valule in the second one will often be NULL

i don’t do php, but i’m pretty sure that a php reference to a column called “ticketId” will reference the second one

solution: don’t use the dreaded, evil “select star” – specify only the columns you want, and if you have multiple columns with the same name that need to be returned, give them distinct column aliases


That’s right yeh. I put another comment into ticket_c and like you guessed, the ticket showed up twice. Thanks once again, I have a lot to learn.

ah. I should listen to those little voices in my head. >.> <.<

The above query will group the comments table up first, meaning that the join will then have a 1-0/1 relationship, rather than 1-*

course, you could also group them in the initial query after the join… not… entirely sure which would be quicker… Rudy?

Great, thanks StarLion and r937. Both very helpful. I have so much to learn, and there I was thinking I’m an expert or something :rolleyes:

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I never consider myself an expert, because I know there’s always so much more that I could learn. It is my goal to learn something every day of my life.


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A Pilot with 100 hours thinks he knows it all.
A Pilot with 1,000 hours knows he knows it all.
A Pilot with 10,000 hours knows he’ll never know anything.
*Words of a Captain, not me :rolleyes: